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Simmental Bull

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3 M L & C

Well-known member
Nov 8, 2010
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What would be a good red sim bull to ai to red angus cows and save daughters for replacements? Would like to not have huge birthweight.
I have used Beefmaker, Red Ceasar, and Remington Winchester as well as a couple of bulls out of STF Dominance and Top Gun. I would stay as far away from any sire going back to Dominance as I could. I have had nothing but trouble with those cattle, mainly due to disposition. You can't really tell the Beefmaker cattle are sim cross other than the fact that they grow faster than straight bred RA. I have a lot of cattle out of my sire group I raised out of Red Ceasar. They are pretty good cattle. I had a handful out of him initially that I had to cull due to disposition but after I cleaned those few animals up there hasn't been much problem. The Winchester cattle are growthy but not great calving ease cattle. I haven't had to pull any out of that bull but I have only used him and his sons on my cows and they have sired pretty good size calves. The Beefmaker bull sired calving ease and his sons have sired a lot of low birthweight calves. The red sim red angus cross is a pretty good one from my perspective, but you have to be absolutely brutal culling on disposition. In the words of a RA seedstock producer I was visiting with: "There is a reason they have a docility index."

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