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Small town business ideas

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Well-known member
Jun 22, 2007
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I thought this would be the perfect place to ask for business ideas because most of you live in or near a small town just like the one we live in.

My wife and I have decided to start our own business, we just don't know what it is yet. She has a bachelors degree in education and has taught in elementary schools. I have a degree in criminal justice and have worked in a prison and am now driving a truck. We are 28 and 26 years old and have a 2 yr old son and another baby on the way as we speak.

We have started putting money back for a business and I am trying to get a job with the local police department. I figure with that job I would be doing shift work and would usually be available for at least half a day to do business. And it would provide insurance and benifits.

We have no illusions of how great life would be being your own boss. We fully understand that being your own boss is much harder and more stressful than working for someone else.

We are just having a hard time thinking of a business idea that would work in a small community, that isn't already here.

The only idea that we have come up with so far would be a day care. NOT an in home day care. Although I do love kids I don't think I could be with thirty kids all day everyday.

Any ideas you might have would be greatly appreciated.
Since your town has a police department , maybe a doughnut shop. :wink: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I just couldn't pass on that one. My first thought was a daycare as well.
What industry do you have that might need services?
my wife and I started our own recently. our web site is

www.livinity.com/ehlers perfect part time deal to allow us time with the farm.
Hey BMr, don't laugh!! You might be onto something. A few of the holes in our local village's main street have been filled by what you just suggested. The town is about 1000 people.

One corner shop is now home to a very busy little coffee/muffin/cinnamon bun/light lunch business which is going gangbusters. Eat in or take out.

Another formerly empty store has become fairly busy by offering various specialty chocolate products, made in-store and who can refuse chocolate, especially when it is served up with a personal touch?

Alright, butt out already jigs, I know what you are thinking . . . .

In any case, whatever you set out to do should succeed if it is directed by what you like doing, what you are gifted in and something that gives you energy rather than leaving you drained.

If you could wave a magic wand and the job you love the most appears, what would it look like?
I think I would look for something in the area of hobbies and recreation. Today a lot of people have lots of leisure time and are willing to spend money on it. Maybe think of something that would appeal to older, retired people, this might be an area with some potential.

To begin with you might need some specialty to get started with. Go down the alphabet and write down anything you can think of for each letter.

Examples might be:

A: Archery, Art
B: Bird watching, Bird Seed, I have thought there would be a possibility in mixing, packaging, and selling bird seed, but a good reliable market would take a lot of effort to find.
C: Cameras, Camping
P: Photo developing
I can't think of anything for X,Y, or Z but you get the idea. You might find something that would attract your attention.
those are company photos....I am only 36, and am beginning to gray, but am not quite that advanced.....
If you want to succeed in business you have to be doing what you love.
Sit down and list what your good at and what you enjoy doing and see if your town is lacking that service.
Good Luck
wouldn't hurt to study the local population as well.No sense starting a daycare if there are only 10 daycare age kids around...likewise a meals on wheels for shut ins if there isn't any...
oh and thats my idea-meals on wheels,use the patrol car for speedy deliveries. ;)

C-E-- I don't know what your community is like-- but I do know 2 former law enforcement officers that before they retired started up Security/Alarm companies-- selling surveillance cameras, fire alarm systems, burglar alarms etc. etc.-- and they have done quite well...

Didn't take a lot of cash either- as they just started by getting a dealership and then ordering in what was needed...Now that they have gotten bigger- they carry a stock and lots of demonstration stuff...If your not too handy on wiring and installation- you may have to find someone to subcontract/hire for installs and stuff....
And one of these started out in a smalltown of 3000 people- ended up getting the local schools contract for hall video cameras- then the neighboring counties- and now operates all over northeast Montana...
I'd try an internet business. Figure out something people need and how to service them via the ole net. I know of one business that just helps find people plumbers and it employs people now.
CattleArmy said:
I'd try an internet business. Figure out something people need and how to service them via the ole net. I know of one business that just helps find people plumbers and it employs people now.

Guess they found a crack that needed filling. :wink: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Not sure of being in much help but even though im young my other businesses seem to be doing ok for what they are. I realized that if you want to be in a business that will be around be in one people need. and something that is in their daily lives or could help their lives. mumbo jumbo vitamins or the bs stuff you see floating around could make money but something that people need will hit harder.

Businesses I am in that are easier than you think to start

Rental properties
Landscaping / hardscaping
Dumpsters / trash

and soon hopefully ranching for me.

those are what ive done and you can always start small and grow. they can be labor intensive work or you can hire as you get bigger.

hope it helps
With my own experiences and those of many others in the three communities near me, populations 150 to under 900 people, there is a dire need for 'Mr. Fix-it' type carpenter/handyman businesses. Too many older people and too many people are just too busy.

Think I finally found a painter who will do some minor repairs and actually scrape old paing off!!!! Now, will see if I can afford him when we get the estimate.......
Faster horses said:
mrj--you are so right!!! Especially the rural communties need this
type of business. It's almost impossible to find someone. The folks who
do it, are just about loved by everyone...if they do a good job...and are
interested in helping out.

Well as far as with the younger folks- - from what they tell me- much of the emphsis has had to be removed from vo-tech and woods, mechanics and Ag classes because of the new "No Child Left Behind" Federal school policy- which requires everyone to meet "nationalized" testing standards..

I've been quite pi**ed and working hard because of much of this Vo-tech/Ag that used to start back in grade and middle school has disappeared after I worked so hard to revive it and modernize it when I was on the School board 10-15 years ago... I realized that not everyone is meant to be Drs.,Lawyers, Chemists, or even college students- but I'm told that now everyone has to be brought up to the "Federal" standard- so they can pass the "Federal Test"- in order for the school to continue to keep funded- so the emphasis has to be on other things....
Oldtimer said:
Faster horses said:
mrj--you are so right!!! Especially the rural communties need this
type of business. It's almost impossible to find someone. The folks who
do it, are just about loved by everyone...if they do a good job...and are
interested in helping out.

Well as far as with the younger folks- - from what they tell me- much of the emphsis has had to be removed from vo-tech and woods, mechanics and Ag classes because of the new "No Child Left Behind" Federal school policy- which requires everyone to meet "nationalized" testing standards..

I've been quite pi**ed and working hard because of much of this Vo-tech/Ag that used to start back in grade and middle school has disappeared after I worked so hard to revive it and modernize it when I was on the School board 10-15 years ago... I realized that not everyone is meant to be Drs.,Lawyers, Chemists, or even college students- but I'm told that now everyone has to be brought up to the "Federal" standard- so they can pass the "Federal Test"- in order for the school to continue to keep funded- so the emphasis has to be on other things....

Yea we have to many lawyers and not enough trades people. :(
Welp, I'll agree with MsSage there. Even in school, if I'm not interested, I don't do my very best cause I don't see any point in it. I work for a guy here locally who works on and repairs old tractors. Now that's something I love! Plus, I raise my cattle and horses. I think I'll keeo going that way cause I love the work and the good Lord has blessed me in it. :)

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