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"snow eater"

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Well-known member
Feb 14, 2005
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Western South Dakota
We got 36 degrees and about 25 to 30 mph winds out of the northwest. Not real cold and it's starting to get the snow plumb squishy! :shock:

I told you guys that the winds in SD were good for something. :lol:

Oh, I sure don't see any blowing snow, but when it kicks up to 50 to 60 mph later in the day, I sure might. I might even see some "wind snowballs". :D
lol true JB thats why we have the wind towers around me i guess,lol keep the snow and wind west of me :lol: :lol: :lol:
Jinglebob said:
We got 36 degrees and about 25 to 30 mph winds out of the northwest. Not real cold and it's starting to get the snow plumb squishy! :shock:

I told you guys that the winds in SD were good for something. :lol:

Oh, I sure don't see any blowing snow, but when it kicks up to 50 to 60 mph later in the day, I sure might. I might even see some "wind snowballs". :D

Jinglebob are you talking about ''snow rollers'' they look like a loose wrapped bale of snow :shock: They are really neat and make a person question there sanity the first time you see one 8)
mwj said:
Jinglebob are you talking about ''snow rollers'' they look like a loose wrapped bale of snow :shock: They are really neat and make a person question there sanity the first time you see one 8)

Yup. :)

I quit questioning my sanity a long time ago, cuz I never liked the answer. :wink:
This is a goofy country. Instead of the predicted blizzard (so far), the rain and warm wind settled the snow enough that it is not moving one bit. It even shrunk it enough that there are brown patches and the ridges are bare. Makes caking a lot easier.
We are hovering in the teens still. Was suppossed to get into the 20's but hasn't happened yet.. Have 40 forcasted for Monday.. I don't know what I would do with that much warmth..
We are in the Chinook zone too.
Rained during the night so the wind hasn't moved the snow
much. It snowed here all morning and now it is supposed to
get...nasty! :wink:

It's wet, it hasn't moved much. It's like an April storm.

I really don't mind it...yet.
We had 40% most of the day. Really shrunk up the 6" or so of snow we had. Alternating sun and flurries once in a while this afternoon and overcast now. 40% sort of makes up for the -33% we had at 3AM yesterday morning!!!!!

Hey JB we had your wind snowballs here this morning I could not believe what I was seeing but their tracks told the tale. We had some rain here this morning with the wind, but tonight the snow is all but gone should have gotten my camera and taken some pictures.
son b... Gotta stop. Never hit 20 let alone the 24 promised today and are already below the low forcast for the night and it is snowing like crazy out there. Just found out we are under a snow and blowing snow Advisory with another 3+ inches on the way.. Oh well.. Winter will end... Winter will end..
IL Rancher said:
son b... Gotta stop. Never hit 20 let alone the 24 promised today and are already below the low forcast for the night and it is snowing like crazy out there. Just found out we are under a snow and blowing snow Advisory with another 3+ inches on the way.. Oh well.. Winter will end... Winter will end..

I suppose I shouldn't tell you there is more coming your way eh....It was supposed to quit here by 11AM-- HA HA-- its still coming down- and real heavy at times...Big old wet snowflakes...Not much wind- temp is 33...Getting really sloppy out there and like FH says the roads are a b**ch...Daughter was supposed to go to Glendive to work tonite- and they called and told her not to try-- everything is glare ice from the freezing rain and wet snow...

I took the 4 wheeler out and rode thru the cows this afternoon just to see if any of the heifers are bagging yet- (still over a month away, but I don't like surprises)...I was going to take a horse- but don't have any hardshod yet...And this is the kind of mess that'll get a guy all broke up with a horse slipping-- ice spots under about 6 inches of snow that is turning to slop on top...
OT.. If you can't say anything nice don't say anything at all :lol: :lol: Oh, this time of year is a crap shoot, generally that warmer air that tries to push through the cold air mass brings snow.. I know this, Angus Guy knows this, it still sucks. It is going to be 40 on Monday with gale force winds that will cut through this snow in no time. Much more typical for winter weather around here to be honest. We usually are no this cold for this long, we generally have colder weathe and than warmer weather and it al balances out around an average high of 29-32 this time of year with it rarely having a high of 29-32.
If we get the rain and warm weather next week alot of stuff up your way will end down here when the Spoony goes out Il Rancher.
Yep.. Bet the Rock River floods big time when the ice dam forms.. Going to be ugly.. Same thing will happen on the Spoony and Illinois too I imagine.. Might head down to Hennipen and take a look at what the Ethanol plant is up to..
got up to 38 here today with a howling north-northwest wind......melted alot of the snow down to slush, but just turned the packed snow in our drive into greased pigsh#@!!! Made for a slipper drive to get the boys off the bus....course they did not seem to mind the fish-tailing that the car did (completely ON IT'S OWN :shock: :roll: ) all the way home!!

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