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So Ot

katrina said:
Can't take a little criticism of your cattle?? The rest of us do... You've certainly have handed it out.. You're a real piece of work little buddy..

I'm not moving a PB spite over to ranch talk....Constructive criticism is alway welcome....Snide comments just to get in a jab are not....
Oldtimer said:
katrina said:
Can't take a little criticism of your cattle?? The rest of us do... You've certainly have handed it out.. You're a real piece of work little buddy..

I'm not moving a PB spite over to ranch talk....Constructive criticism is alway welcome....Snide comments just to get in a jab are not....

You remember that you old coot!!
Oldtimer said:
katrina said:
Can't take a little criticism of your cattle?? The rest of us do... You've certainly have handed it out.. You're a real piece of work little buddy..

I'm not moving a PB spite over to ranch talk....Constructive criticism is alway welcome....Snide comments just to get in a jab are not....

Old Fart, people like you are ruining Al Gore's internet.
Maybe we need a poll to judge ots bull calf.... I've got the pictures What do ya say ot.... Then you can't hid behind the excuse of political bull crap... Looks like your cattle could use a little supplement.. Of course you have cattle that have adapted to their enviroment..... Real jim dandies... :wink: :roll: :roll:
Katrina- If you want to judge my cattle come on up- walk/ride thru them... I'll feed you some good old Montana raised grassfinished steak.....You or anyone here is welcome anytime...

But I damn sure take exception to your comment about my cattle needing supplements...

As far as that supplement comment- and the snide comment you made on Shortgrass's supplement thread about me- if you look back- I did not post on that thread....Soapweed did- and it was a comment of mine taken out of context from a PB thread where he was moaning and groaning about ethanol subsidies raising grain/corn prices so high that it had made cake prices overly high...
My comment back to him was that while it hurt cake prices it helped grain farmers- and intended to mean that you can not always stay with one type of management- or count on one type of feed source- and sometimes when one feed source gets nonprofitable- you have to change- either feed sources or management or both...

But like I said it was PB being brought over to ranchtalk ....
Oldtimer said:
Katrina- If you want to judge my cattle come on up- walk/ride thru them... I'll feed you some good old Montana raised grassfinished steak.....You or anyone here is welcome anytime...

But I damn sure take exception to your comment about my cattle needing supplements...

As far as that supplement comment- and the snide comment you made on Shortgrass's supplement thread about me- if you look back- I did not post on that thread....Soapweed did- and it was a comment of mine taken out of context from a PB thread where he was moaning and groaning about ethanol subsidies raising grain/corn prices so high that it had made cake prices overly high...
My comment back to him was that while it hurt cake prices it helped grain farmers- and intended to mean that you can not always stay with one type of management- or count on one type of feed source- and sometimes when one feed source gets nonprofitable- you have to change- either feed sources or management or both...

But like I said it was PB being brought over to ranchtalk ....[/quo


Pants on fire
Oldtimer said:
As far as that supplement comment- and the snide comment you made on Shortgrass's supplement thread about me- if you look back- I did not post on that thread....Soapweed did- and it was a comment of mine taken out of context from a PB thread where he was moaning and groaning about ethanol subsidies raising grain/corn prices so high that it had made cake prices overly high...

Oldtimer said:
But like I said it was PB being brought over to ranchtalk ....

Actually, that thread you're referencing started out right here in Ranch Talk and that's where it was when you made your comment to Soapweed. It was moved to PB later, but I saw it right here in Ranch Talk first and you sure didn't seem to mind getting political then. Here's a link to that post:


As for your little stunt last night, I watched that transpire and I'll have to admit that I'm extremely disappointed in you. One minute the thread was there - the next minute it was gone.

For those that missed it, you posted some pics, one of them was a bull calf that you apparently like. Katrina commented that at her place, the calf would be a steer instead of a bull.

After the thread disappeared, I used my back button and went back until I found it. I saved it all just in case you wanted to argue about it. Here is the pic and the quotes:

Oldtimer said:
A little bull calf that keeps catching my eye.. Double bred Bannon of Wye.

katrina said:
I would be eyeballing him too.... He'd be a steer at my house..

Here's a link to where that thread used to be. People can see that the thread no longer exists:


I thought her comment was funny - it happens here all the time. One person thinks a bull is good, somebody else thinks it should be a steer. Nothing unusual in that regard. But, what you did does NOT happen all the time, Oldtimer.

You didn't like her comment, so you just used your moderator powers and deleted the whole thread. I don't think that's appropriate for a moderator to do. If you didn't like the comment, you could have debated it or edited your post to take out the pic. That's the recourse available to anybody else who finds their cattle criticized - it should be no different for you.

You had no right to delete her post just because you didn't like it and just because you have the power to delete it. You can blame it on politics all you want, but the truth is that she made a comment that is often made about bulls here in Ranch Talk. Politics had nothing to do with it.

But, you didn't like that comment being made about YOUR cattle, so you got rid of it and now you're looking for an excuse and trying to blame it on politics. Other people can't delete the posts that they don't like - a moderator shouldn't be allowed to do it, either. Very disappointing.

(By the way, I'm saving a copy of this post. So if you choose to delete it, I'll just keep posting it until one of us gets tired of doing it.)
Just for you Texan I'll post the rest of the pictures of my cattle that Katrina thinks are suffering + more....

I just didn't want to get in a namecalling contest with her because of the burr she's had under her saddle against me for several years (and even left the site over) because she didn't think as moderator I'd removed an inappropriate post (that someone else put up) about someone she knew fast enough...


Temp was hot today (90) and didn't feel like doing anything
except check on cows...

Found some of the girls at the beach- enjoying the cool creek..





A few cows out grazing on the hay meadows-some others in the hills...This heat has definitely browned things up..

A little bull calf that keeps catching my eye.. Double bred Bannon of Wye.

Horses and some of the cows were hanging in the trees
Oldtimer said:
Just for you Texan I'll post the rest of the pictures of my cattle that Katrina things are suffering + more....
Thanks for the pics. They look like hard-working, good-doing cows that are adapted to their environment. Just what every cow-calf man should strive for. You've had a good year. I'd love to have some of that old brown grass.
Here is why I have been watching that bull calf to see how he develops:

This is the calfs dam- a 4 frame cow that last year as a heifer brought in a heifer calf that weaned at 613 lbs - which was probably 60+% of her body weight..

Her and her this years bull calf in June:


Picture of the calfs sire at turnout...

Sire-Bannon 730T in Aug after breeding cows thruout the summer.. Not bad for maintaining condition...


Picture of the bull calf around 1st of Aug..(not his dam beside him)

A couple of the calfs half brothers and sisters- taken around 1st of Aug:
Bannon 730T X Juanada Lad 81T daughter..

Bannon 730T son steer calf...
Yup ot you piece of trash you had to come clean and not only that add more pictures to try and cover your ass.. I still say your bull would be a steer at my house.. That said I'm done here.. :mad: :mad: Have a nice day..
katrina said:
Yup ot you piece of trash you had to come clean and not only that add more pictures to try and cover your ass.. I still say your bull would be a steer at my house.. That said I'm done here.. :mad: :mad: Have a nice day..

hhhmmm.........dont like that bull calf huh katrina :lol: I caint help but wonder if you would steer that calf, what would you do to ole OT if'n you had him in a headgate ?

PS.. say OT was;nt you that always told me about arguin with women ? seems like she has her hackles up .................good lucl and i agree with Texan, some of that old brown grass would'nt be all bad for the few culls I have left.
good luck
katrina said:
Yup ot you piece of trash you had to come clean and not only that add more pictures to try and cover your ass.. I still say your bull would be a steer at my house.. That said I'm done here.. :mad: :mad: Have a nice day..

hhhmmm.........dont like that bull calf huh katrina :lol: I caint help but wonder if you would steer that calf, what would you do to ole OT if'n you had him in a headgate ?

PS.. say OT was;nt you that always told me about arguin with women ? seems like she has her hackles up .................good lucl and i agree with Texan, some of that old brown grass would'nt be all bad for the few culls I have left.
good luck

Yep-- you can never win an argument with a spiteful woman- and I thought avoiding it was the easy way out... Thats what I get for thinking... :wink:

And too bad we can't send some of that grass south- altho we have some Texas cattle coming north...Neighbor about 30 miles west is running 750 head of cows for the Four Sixes Ranch that are just now calving...
I sometimes think I shoulda tried to find some grass North, but we been selling down for 4 years the few we had left { 63 } really was'nt worth the bother, plus sold when the market was fair, see what happens if some of the ground recovers.
good luck
Do not care for the calf, no problem, but it is not the first time when a topic sis not go oldtimers way that he deleted a post, just the first time someone was able to prove it was there so he couldn't lie about it and say there never was a post! like he usually does when he does it!!!!

EH oldtimer???
hopalong said:
Do not care for the calf, no problem, but it is not the first time when a topic sis not go oldtimers way that he deleted a post, just the first time someone was able to prove it was there so he couldn't lie about it and say there never was a post! like he usually does when he does it!!!!

EH oldtimer???

well, I guess that's one of the benefits of being a moderator, if you deem the post is of little value and or obtrusive, make it go away ? :D
good luck

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