:roll: Reader(the second) show me the statement where Mark talks of transmision in a contradictory manner.
And what, may I ask, is erroneous about the statement you quoted of his?
You have obviously never read any studies (Marks included) linking surgical instruments and their metal content, and not simply neurosurgical transmission to CJD.
Harping on a peer review from either side seems the same to me, but even more crucial to come from a THEORY which is causing unpresidented hardship on the Agricultural community for what I will call, no reason.
There is a lot of credible support for Mark's theory and it grows every day. People like yourself who take the positon of calling him down as a conspiracy theorist, etc. etc. get your kicks from your tunnel vision for reasons beyond what I can understand.
What is it that you hope to gain reader(the second). The only road your theory follows is treatment, or testing, but you have forgotten to solidify the cause in the first place.
Everything you post is theory. Nothing is based on fact any more than Mark Purdey.
Call me a lone wolf, and Mark a conspiracy theorist all you want. Your fear will stop you from finding the truth, Ms. sheep.