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Somemore spring

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Well-known member
Feb 16, 2005
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South East Texas
When I went to the pasture today it seemed more spring like than yesterday, had just had a shower, and things were clean and turnin green.
New babies layin all over the place.


The wild plums are bloomin and the bees are buzzin.


I think if we named him it'd hafta be "Mickey"


Slurp slurp..smack slurp........Got Milk?


ahhhh...... nap time.
He ,He Mickeys cute!We don't have spring sooo really not sure how truly happy I am to see that weather!Drove through a BAD storm to work at 6am this morn....But I'm happy for the moisture LOL
Oh man, wild plums! I can smell them from here! They're my favorite! Wish we would get a plum crop this year. You can't beat wild plum jelly, it's the best!

Wished I could figure out a way to do a leather carving of wild plum blossoms. I think I'll plant one where they are going to plant me. I identify with them so much as we are a lot alike, sweet with stickers! :shock: :lol:
Them calves couldn't make it in Montana- with ears like that our winds would have them flying away to North Dakota..... :wink:
Nice to see you have green grass, you must of had some decent moisture.
It sounds like some area's are still dry, is NW Texas and Oklahoma still dry? Had a friend come drive back from Dallas a few days ago and he thought it looked terrible dry where he traveled, (don't know what route he took).
Anyway nice pics, Looovvvee to see green grass!!!
Lilly,you better get you a few angus bulls on those ole mama cows get rid of a little bit of that ear,that one has ears almost as large as big dummie from big beaver..................good luck
Yeap the next bulls an angus, went and looked at one day before yesterday. They are supposed to pen and work in a couple weeks, so guess we'll go pick him up then. He's a 3 year old, and I've seen his calves and some of the heifers they kept out of him and they look real good. So next calf crop, some of em will have smaller ears, even tho I'm real fond of them ears :wink: Use the angus for a couple years and see what we get, then switch back to a brangus bull.
We have been fortunate and gotten some real good rains in the last month and 1/2. It's still short grass, but at least it's green. And growin....
Nice pictures,the top one makes me think: are the rattlesnakes out yet. :lol: Don't let them tease you too much about those long eared calves by the time they get 500 or 600 pounds it will take a race horse to catch them. :) or maybe a feed bucket?
Jinglebob said:
Oh man, wild plums! I can smell them from here! They're my favorite! Wish we would get a plum crop this year. You can't beat wild plum jelly, it's the best!

Wished I could figure out a way to do a leather carving of wild plum blossoms. I think I'll plant one where they are going to plant me. I identify with them so much as we are a lot alike, sweet with stickers! :shock: :lol:

We have wild plum trees here, when we actually get these plums, they are considered a treat since many years it freezes hard while the trees are blooming :x I still have some jam from the last crop (a couple years ago) and this jam is GOLD.
On years when we get a crop, the missus will freeze a bunch of the juice so she can make more jelly later. But it's been so long since we've had a crop, I've about forgot what it tastes like. And I know what you mean by gold, Hanta! :wink:
Our flop eared rodeo cows are easier to handle than those straight bred Angus EXT's by a longggg shot-tough little buggers too-we had a surprise the other day in -10 and the little guy isn't even gonna lose his big ears-his old baldie mom took care of him good.
Great pictures, Lily. Especially liked the calf drinking with milk all down
his face. You've got the knack.

I saw a butterfly last Friday cruising around our house- sadly it is way too early with another cold front coming in- but made me think Spring has sprung. It is 78 here today for some reason.

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