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Something to be proud of

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Well-known member
Feb 14, 2005
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Calgary Alberta
With the pride taken in their efforts to keep the border closed to Canadian cattle, could you Rcalf boys handle a story about the human effect on our side of the border today.

Personally, I believe that their are more forces at work than Rcalf, but no one from the closet protectionist American side seems to post on here, only read and be entertained.

Called a prospective bull customer last night in Saskatchwan. (even this statement has meaning if you deal with the word prospective from Randy's angle)

This young fellow had quite a story. He had purchased a new ranch in the ranch country of west central Manitoba in the fall of 2002. He started to stock the ranch with yearling cattle in the spring of 2003. Paid about 7 to 8 hundred bucks for over 300 grassers. May 20th hit. His loan was huge and the bank moved quickly. Quicker than most stories, but I guess when you consider the newness of the venture, maybe they thought they could jump out without much loss.

Somehow this fellow managed to keep about 60 heifers and left his dream ranch to try again in a deal with his father in law. Bank still wanted payments on the heifers, but jobs are hard to find, and consequences involved with staying close to family limited him more. Last weeks anouncement was enough for the bank to move on the remaining 60 head, and I'm sure this was the case with a lot more similar situations.

Gotta make you boys proud though don't it.
I know an older fellow that is in a similar situation. Sold a pretty good grain farm about five years ago and decided to go into cattle. With what he put in he could have retired quite nicely. Not any more. The guy is 64. Bet he wishes he'd put his money into the nice, safe stock market instead.
I have been trying to find the right words to print since Monday, but they don't come easy. I have read the many posts, and have wanted to say many things. First many US farmers and ranchers have went belly up or almost in the last years too just like the Canadians are struggling now. When the glut of Canadian hogs kept coming across or the extra cattle coming across, did anyone of you ever stand back and say "look what we are doing to our neighbors to the south; we better take it in the shorts also so they don't take the blunt of the low prices due to our product crossing." Ive lived it and can empathize with you, but I think the constant bashing has got to a stop.
It w3as Americans that came up here and muscled out our slaughter plants. That's why we are in this bind. Since it is an American made problem, don't you think we have the right to an American made solution?

Theres alot around here that are the same way as that young fello. I myself took quite a hit financially on May 20,2003 as I had around 250 finished strs/hfrs in the feedlot and they were to be hitting the road on the 21st. Needless to say I got .35 per pound for them. Banker never has forgot that.

How do you think your bull sale will turn out?

I was looking at the pictures and youve got some nice looking bulls. Wouldnt mind talking to you about them before the sale!
:roll: Give me a call Manitoba_rancher. (403) 946 - 0228 Randy Kaiser

Lots of conversation about the bulls so far. I think the pictures on the web site has helped a lot. I guess we'll see on the 19th.
Heartland in Brandon had 38 head in their regular Tuesday sale today. That's THIRTY EIGHT head. Normal for this time of year is about 1200.

Some black 800 pound heifers sold for about 70 cents. (We sold 950 pound steers last week for a buck). The rest of the cattle were cull cows that sold in the 20's.

Here we go again. :roll:

Do you think they will keep the stock yard open right now if prices stay like this and nobody is willing to part with cattle that are bring low prices? Were back to square one in my eyes! :roll:
The story you noted kicks the hell out of anyone that has ever struggled win or lose. It seems like the frustration of dashed hope is deepening the damage. I have more hope for the young guy, but the older established guys are suffering too.

RCALF is deceiving themselves, the unknown of when the beef will come south out of Canada is far more concerning than the actual cattle. The March date makes too much sense I guess. We could choke down any extra beef during the spring grilling season, andbe back to normal by fall.
Hey I can still charge rope at the Co-op and as long as I can find a bucket to kick over I might get out of this mess. I got caught with 190 bred heifers that my long time buyer bailed on-I really enjoyed calving those last March-I managed to move 50 pairs at !300 this spring but still have a 100 too many lol-anybody interested lol. Remember what goes around comes around always has always will just hope were here to enjoy it.
NR, I know you're joking about the rope and all, and I can enjoy macabe humor too, but in this instance there might be too much reality in your post for good joking. It sucks getting betrayed by old associates, perhaps we're all too civilized for a a deal to be a deal.

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