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Stack yard full

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leanin' H

Well-known member
Nov 8, 2007
Reaction score
Western Utah Desert
Stack yard sonnet

My stack yard's full
And so's my heart.
Thanks don't seem enough,
But it's where I'll start.

Because you sent the snow,
And you sent the rain,
To renew my hope,
And ease my pain.

Years of drought
We struggled through.
And once or twice,
I wondered if you knew.

How hard it was,
To keep this ranch.
The doubt buried me
Like an avalanche.

But now that's past
And faith's reborn.
With each big bale
Stacked on August morn.

The winter's hay
Is stored away
To be fed to cows
On a cold, grey day.

And in my heart,
I'll remember too,
The greater power
That pulled me through.

Another year
Doing what I love.
Thanks to rain and snow
Sent from above.

DEH 23'

Mine aren't tarped and neither is anyone else here. The top bale will be a pain to feed once it gets frozen this winter.
Hauled a of wheat hay and 100 grass/little alfalfa of 1500 lb net wrapped rounds home from 10 miles up left creek .6 bales at a time with my hay trailer that let's them roll off.Only got about 180 blessed on the ranch little over 1/2 of usual, good rain but didn't warm up enough early. Will get mugging cake or 4-5 loads alfalfa to hopefully get usthru. We got good winter pasture , we have to haul watr, so cows don't go thru the ice ND no bottom on the reserviors. If so come right it last Dec, and thru January, we cake or tub when using it.

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