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Stories like this astound me......


Well-known member
Sep 4, 2009
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.......sometimes. Then I step back a realize the times in which we live.

Birtherist response highlights racial undertones of ‘debate’


A few snippets from the article:

"There is a real deep-seated and vicious racism at work here in terms of trying to de-legitimate the president," Peniel Joseph, a professor of history at Tufts University, told The Ticket.

And columnist Michael Tomasky wrote for The Guardian Wednesday that the birther conspiracy "had to be the only explanation for how this black man got to the White House." He added: "And if you think race isn't what this is about at its core, ask yourself if there would even be a birther conspiracy if Barack Obama were white and named Bart Oberstar. If you think there would be, you are delusional."

But it's difficult to apprehend the ongoing resistance to proof of Obama's citizenship without crediting racial fear as a significant factor. At first, after all, many adherents of birtherism argued that the administration fueled speculation by failing to release the long-form version of Obama's birth certificate, but now that this version has been released to the public, the call continues to go out for other kinds of information about Obama's past to be released--a level of scrutiny that neither McCain nor Obama's 43 predecessors in the Oval Office were expected to face.


To that last sentence, I say BULL CRAP. I watched George Bush savaged at every turn by his detractors......the October DWI surprise, questions about his drug use as a young man, fabricated documents about his Air National Guard Service.....and constantly being called a liar for every decision he made using information that later turned out to be faulty. He's still be blamed to this day for everything that's wrong in the world by certain numbnuts here on this forum.

Perhaps those who still question, those who have questioned, Obama's actions in regards to the birth certificate issue believe they have a right to question their president about these issues. Perhaps his own odd actions, like a reluctance to release the document for over 2 years, made them wonder what he might have been trying to hide.

Perhaps they believe that there's now sufficient evidence to label the man a serial liar.

January 22, 2009

Obama Signs Order to Close Gitmo

The president said he was issuing the order to close the facility in order to "restore the standards of due process and the core constitutional values that have made this country great even in the midst of war, even in dealing with terrorism."


Did he say DUE PROCESS? The man whose administration has issued a hit on an American citizen without a single minute in a court room by the target is lecturing us about due process?

Obama on his Administration's Transparency

My Administration is committed to creating an unprecedented level of openness in Government. We will work together to ensure the public trust and establish a system of transparency, public participation, and collaboration. Openness will strengthen our democracy and promote efficiency and effectiveness in Government.


If the man lies to the American people about such fundamental things as believing in due process and transparency in government, what else is he lying about? This has nothing to do with race and everything to do with a total lack of trust in the President.
his has nothing to do with race and everything to do with a total lack of trust in the President.

maybe we should focus on Obama being a far left liberal, a tax and spend democrat, a environmentalist,..

or should we focus on what he feels is important.. his golf score, the afternoon basketball game, or where his wife's next vacation is..

the fact is.. the guy is a progressive socialist democrat...

is that so hard for the liberals to understand we don't like the guy because of his politics.. :?
Steve said:
his has nothing to do with race and everything to do with a total lack of trust in the President.

maybe we should focus on Obama being a far left liberal, a tax and spend democrat, a environmentalist,..

or should we focus on what he feels is important.. his golf score, the afternoon basketball game, or where his wife's next vacation is..

the fact is.. the guy is a progressive socialist democrat...

is that so hard for the liberals to understand we don't like the guy because of his politics.. :?

Focusing on his lying covers all those things because he claims he's none of them.

"I don't have time for this sillyness, I have important things to do for the American people"............then off to film Oprah and do 3 fund raisers in NYC. :x

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