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Summer Weather


Well-known member
Jun 15, 2005
Reaction score
Saskatchewan, Canada
Well, I'm still around. I check in here once in a while. We are now into haying, and it is going to be a phenomenal crop, for once! Last night it looked like we were going to get one heck of a storm, but most of the hay we had down was baled, and no rain on it, so let her rip!! After all rain isn't really going to hurt the bales too much. So here is some photos from last night!

Well, this is a gorgeous sunset from the night BEFORE!

Now to last night....
Didn't look too terrifying to start with (7:30 pm)

Got a little worse looking as the evening wore on (8:15)

Clouds started to get a little nasty looking, and they were doing some of that swirling stuff too!!(8:25)

When does a cloud become a funnel cloud, and when is it just a pointy cloud? that isn't usually a big problem around here!

Saw some pretty good lightning(8:55)




About 10 pm we went inside, the wind had picked up a bit, and it looked like we just might get that storm. Then it swerved off and went south, we only got 3/4". Good thing we got that hay up!

Here's some pics from this morning between about 7 and 9 am! We only got 3/4" but just upstream a few miles they got between 4 and 5 inches!

Water not quite in the barn!

This bale isn't in such a good spot!

At least we can still drive thru


Might be a little difficult getting too far from here...

Or maybe not???

Oh, remember all that nice hay I was talking about.....No rain on it before it was baled......



I think that this sign says it all....

Water's kinda deep....

Umm, these bales just went for a little ride, down the creek! Some went darn near 1/2 mile!

Horses, better stay out of the barn!

And finally.....Just to let you all know....
Some great shots, there. You really captured the intensity of the storm
as it brewed up. Did you get that much water from 3/4" or are those
pictures taken where there was more water? Are those your
bales that are sitting in water? I didn't take it that way reading your
posts, so just wondering if I read wrong.
Thanks, FH.

No, that water came from the 3 to 4 inches upstream from us!

And, yeah, all those bales were ours. Guess you can't count them as good quality bales til they are in the stackyard :shock:
Wow, that's quite a mess, I feel for you guys. Hopefully your crops are more than good enough to make up for your losses, and you get better weather for the rest of your haying.
I'm a little afraid to get started here, would have liked to have started a week ago.
Wow, sorry about your bales. We always worry about the hay getting wet before it's baled, not after. Pretty pics though despite the weather.
Gee, what can you say... Darn i'm so sorry for you. you work so hard to get it up in good shape and then to have that happen Darn
Well, the bales suck for sure, don't know how badly the water will affect them though. Fortunately, it was just a small portion of the hay we have to do. We've only gotten about 65 acres cut and baled. Still have about 400 left to go.
Bales in water is a sickening feeling. After all the work of getting good hay to see that happen . . . pretty hard to argue and win against the power of mother nature.
We haven't seen summer yet. :(
The last 2 days have had highs of 9C and we have gotten somewhere around 5 inches of rain since Monday. Meadows are wet enough that haying will likely start 3 weeks later than planned.

Good crops if we can get them.

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