Ted Nugent was speaking to the NRA and he made a comment about if Obama is re-elected He (Ted) will be either be in Prison or Dead by this time next year. Due to the comment he has a date with the Secret Service today and the Left is calling on Romney to disassociate himself from the Rocker over this and other comments.
Of Course the Left saw the comment as Ted issueing a death threat on Obama and want him tossed in jail. But could it not be a warning to others IE NRA MEMBERS that are clinging to their guns that Obama is going to come after their guns once he doesn't have to worry about re-election? :? Could it be that Ted is not going to allow Obama and the DOJ to take his guns without a FIGHT? Everyone knows the Dems/Obama want strict gun regulations. They even used illegal gun running into Mexico to push their agenda by making their supporters believe guns are to easily purchased. Forget the fact the DOJ told gun sellers to take a coffee break on back ground checks on those they knew were feeding the guns to the Drug Cartels in Mexico. This was their chance to prove US guns were making their way into a foreign country and the ends justified THEIR MEANS. :roll: :x Oh as for Ted going to jail did the left call for the rapper that Michelle Obama invited to the White House be tossed in jail when he called for the burning of Bush? NO this kind of crap is what makes the LEFT look like Hypocrites.
Ted is also being drug into the Dem's Fake GOP War on Women because he dared to call Debbie Wasserman Schultz BRAINDEAD. I guess the left forgot about Maher who gave Obama's Superpac a MILLION DOLLARS after verbally attacking Conservative women with disgusting name calling. The stupid thing is they don't see their support of Maher's MILLION DOLLARS to Obama makes them look like friggin HYPOCRITES when they call for Romney to disassociate himself from Nugent due to him calling DWS Brain Dead. :roll: As I see it until Obama tells his super pac to give Maher's money back and tells Maher, all his leftwingnut funny men and Michelle's rapper friend to stop the crap the Left have no ground to stand on when it comes to comments made by anyone on the right. :roll:
Of Course the Left saw the comment as Ted issueing a death threat on Obama and want him tossed in jail. But could it not be a warning to others IE NRA MEMBERS that are clinging to their guns that Obama is going to come after their guns once he doesn't have to worry about re-election? :? Could it be that Ted is not going to allow Obama and the DOJ to take his guns without a FIGHT? Everyone knows the Dems/Obama want strict gun regulations. They even used illegal gun running into Mexico to push their agenda by making their supporters believe guns are to easily purchased. Forget the fact the DOJ told gun sellers to take a coffee break on back ground checks on those they knew were feeding the guns to the Drug Cartels in Mexico. This was their chance to prove US guns were making their way into a foreign country and the ends justified THEIR MEANS. :roll: :x Oh as for Ted going to jail did the left call for the rapper that Michelle Obama invited to the White House be tossed in jail when he called for the burning of Bush? NO this kind of crap is what makes the LEFT look like Hypocrites.
Ted is also being drug into the Dem's Fake GOP War on Women because he dared to call Debbie Wasserman Schultz BRAINDEAD. I guess the left forgot about Maher who gave Obama's Superpac a MILLION DOLLARS after verbally attacking Conservative women with disgusting name calling. The stupid thing is they don't see their support of Maher's MILLION DOLLARS to Obama makes them look like friggin HYPOCRITES when they call for Romney to disassociate himself from Nugent due to him calling DWS Brain Dead. :roll: As I see it until Obama tells his super pac to give Maher's money back and tells Maher, all his leftwingnut funny men and Michelle's rapper friend to stop the crap the Left have no ground to stand on when it comes to comments made by anyone on the right. :roll: