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Ted Nugent in the Hot Seat

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Feb 10, 2005
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Ted Nugent was speaking to the NRA and he made a comment about if Obama is re-elected He (Ted) will be either be in Prison or Dead by this time next year. Due to the comment he has a date with the Secret Service today and the Left is calling on Romney to disassociate himself from the Rocker over this and other comments.

Of Course the Left saw the comment as Ted issueing a death threat on Obama and want him tossed in jail. But could it not be a warning to others IE NRA MEMBERS that are clinging to their guns that Obama is going to come after their guns once he doesn't have to worry about re-election? :? Could it be that Ted is not going to allow Obama and the DOJ to take his guns without a FIGHT? Everyone knows the Dems/Obama want strict gun regulations. They even used illegal gun running into Mexico to push their agenda by making their supporters believe guns are to easily purchased. Forget the fact the DOJ told gun sellers to take a coffee break on back ground checks on those they knew were feeding the guns to the Drug Cartels in Mexico. This was their chance to prove US guns were making their way into a foreign country and the ends justified THEIR MEANS. :roll: :x Oh as for Ted going to jail did the left call for the rapper that Michelle Obama invited to the White House be tossed in jail when he called for the burning of Bush? NO this kind of crap is what makes the LEFT look like Hypocrites.

Ted is also being drug into the Dem's Fake GOP War on Women because he dared to call Debbie Wasserman Schultz BRAINDEAD. I guess the left forgot about Maher who gave Obama's Superpac a MILLION DOLLARS after verbally attacking Conservative women with disgusting name calling. The stupid thing is they don't see their support of Maher's MILLION DOLLARS to Obama makes them look like friggin HYPOCRITES when they call for Romney to disassociate himself from Nugent due to him calling DWS Brain Dead. :roll: As I see it until Obama tells his super pac to give Maher's money back and tells Maher, all his leftwingnut funny men and Michelle's rapper friend to stop the crap the Left have no ground to stand on when it comes to comments made by anyone on the right. :roll:
jigs should call up Teddy and tell him how to handle the Men in Black!!!
jingo2 said:
jigs should call up Teddy and tell him how to handle the Men in Black!!!
Nope no need seems Ted handled the lefts bogus claims of a Obama death threat just fine on his own, as the Secret Service just announce they see no need for further action. This was just another Leftist distraction tactic that went NOWHERE. Between now and November you can count on every word uttered by a rightwinger will be headline news to distract from Obama's horrible record. The calls from the left for Romney to comment and disassociate himself from the person should be answered with "DID OBAMA GIVE MAHER"S MILLION DOLLAR BACK OR DID HE GLADLY SPEND IT?

BTW how is your crook cousin handling the $12. hair cuts? :wink:
jingo2 said:
jigs should call up Teddy and tell him how to handle the Men in Black!!!

Why does he have to ask jigs who said something about a sworn enemy of the us?

Why can't he just ask all the idiots that made open death threats against Bush? Didn't they get a meeting with the ss?
okfarmer said:
jingo2 said:
jigs should call up Teddy and tell him how to handle the Men in Black!!!

Why does he have to ask jigs who said something about a sworn enemy of the us?

Why can't he just ask all the idiots that made open death threats against Bush? Didn't they get a meeting with the ss?

The only official invite the Rapper Common, that threatened Bush, got was to the White House by MICHELLE OBAMA. I guess he could have encountered a few Secret Service agents while there entertaining the First Lady but I doubt they were allowed to talk to him. :roll:
jingo2 said:
jigs should call up Teddy and tell him how to handle the Men in Black!!!

Maybe Ted could just get some advice for one of the children that they have questioned.

It's hardnot to believe that threats are up against obama, when you see such serious incidents happening. :roll:

FRESNO, California (KFSN) -- A Facebook post earned a 7th grader a visit from the Secret Service. The 13-year-old's mother says agents questioned her son at his Tacoma, Washington school last Friday.

"I was saying how Osama is dead and for Obama to be careful because there might be suicide bombers."

okfarmer said:
jingo2 said:
jigs should call up Teddy and tell him how to handle the Men in Black!!!

Why does he have to ask jigs who said something about a sworn enemy of the us?

Why can't he just ask all the idiots that made open death threats against Bush? Didn't they get a meeting with the ss?

You don't know????? Jigs done shot his mouth off and made some "threats" and the Secret Service/Men in Black already " interviewed" him!!!

I bet he had to burn them pants as they'd not ever wash clean after that
Ted probaably explained that he was only using the same type of violent election rhetoric that the Democrats are known for.

"The Secret Service interview of Ted Nugent has been completed," agency spokesman Brian Leary said. "The issue has been resolved. The Secret Service does not anticipate any further action."

"Good, solid, professional meeting concluding that I have never made any threats of violence towards anyone. The meeting could not have gone better," the 63-year-old singer and guitarist said. He was due to perform a concert in Ardmore, Oklahoma on Thursday.

Poor Jingo Kola...daddy's trust fund still keeping you knee deep in dino bones??

My comment was against Muslims. the same Muslims who killed many innocent people, and attacked the USA on numerous occasions...
and I stand by what I said. my point was IF they try to take over our nation, and force the Sharia law on us, I will till my dieing breath, be shooting as many as I can.

this is not a death threat, but a vow to protect what is mine.

the ironic part is the secret service turned it into a treat on Obama. I think Obama is the worse thing to happen to this nation, he is a crook, and I feel he is in the office illegally. but by saying these things, I am called a racist, because he is black.... now if he was white, I would still think of him as a worthless pile of liberal dung, in an office that he should not be allowed to hold because he was BORN IN AFRICA .....

do I wish ill on the President of the USA? never, I love my country....but Obama, who sits in the office unjustly, I hope the law takes that boy out behind the woodshed and teaches him, and the puppet masters running him a lesson!

and my Constitution, that Obama hates and mocks, gives me the right to that belief, and the right to say it!!

back to the muslims trying to over run America..... they are slowly gaining ground, and getting us to slowly conform to thier ideas..... to this I say, prepare, educate yourself, and reload, cause those filthy cave dwelling woman hating sorry suns o bitches know only one way, war, violence and death/ pain....... and I plan on giving them everything they try to give me!

bring on the secret service, I have every right to protect me and mine, and I have threatened no one, just pointed out that I will not be bullied.
jingo2 said:
You don't know????? Jigs done shot his mouth off and made some "threats" and the Secret Service/Men in Black already " interviewed" him!!!

I bet he had to burn them pants as they'd not ever wash clean after that

You sure twisted the encounter didn't you.

jigs said:
on face book, there was a heated discussion about Sarah Palin and Obama....one thing led to another, and then I made a comment about sharia law being pushed on America...and a reference to hunting and muslims.... well today the under sherriff and two Secret Service guys visited me.... a 30 minute interview, and they told me that I was not percieved as a threat,!!

So where in jigs debate on facebook did he make a "threat"
Besides he mentioned muslims, are you saying obama is a MUSLIM????????????

That pesky Trust Fund check must be a little late this month, huh kola
We all have the duty as Americans touphold and defend the Constitution.It gives me hope to know there are people like jigs who are not afraid to say the truth in public .Right on Jigs!
Leave it up to kolo=jingo=lulu=allie to get confused on things, she does not even know her actual gender :wink: :wink: :wink:
Oh and i see that Ted has been exonerated no harm no foul!!!!
Just like jigs kolo=jingo'lulu=allie

ted nugent is a one hit wonder, the motor city moron, and a typical rebublican racist. he is loving this, because his 15 minutes of fame was up a long time ago. mike, is this guy any kin to you :lol:

1995 interview with Bob Mack for Grand Royal Magazine



Quotes and Stories from Ted's Writings and Interviews

He claims that 30 days before his draft board physical, he stopped all forms of personal hygiene. The last 10 days, he ingested nothing but Vienna sausages and Pepsi; and a week before his physical, he stopped using bathrooms altogether, virtually living inside pants caked with his own excrement, stained by his urine. That spectacle won Nugent a deferment, he says. "... but if I would have gone over there, I'd have been killed, or I'd have killed, or I'd killed all the hippies in the foxholes...I would have killed everybody." - Detroit Free Press Magazine , July 15, 1990




Mitt Romney: Disavow Ted Nugent's Support

Why This Is Important

At a campaign event as an official Mitt Romney surrogate, proud misogynist and Tea Party member Ted Nugent used violent language last week about President Obama and other Democrats.
Speaking at the National Rifle Associations's convention, Nugent called Obama "vile" and "evil," and declared that if Obama wins "we'll be a suburb of Indonesia." He went on to say of Democrats generally: "We need to ride into that battlefield and chop their heads off in November."

Nugent has a long history of inflammatory and offensive language, especially against women -- here are just a few of Nugent's disgusting utterances:

(On Hillary Clinton) "You probably can't use the term 'toxic c--' in your magazine, but that's what she is. Her very existence insults the spirit of individualism in this country. This bitch is nothing but a two-bit whore for Fidel Castro."

"And if you're a woman who feels that his lyrics to ditties such as the immortal 'Wang Dang Sweet Poontang' are sexist, Nugent says, '**** you and go to a Garth Brooks show. Kiss my dog's dead, diseased, rotting ass. If you don't have a sense of humor, you're not allowed in Ted's world. I don't objectify women. I'd like to think that I'm optimizing their hardware.'"

Feminists "are just women who aren't getting it often enough."

The Romney campaign actively sought and boasted about Nugent's endorsement in March. Romney's son Tagg tweeted:

@tromney: Ted Nugent endorsed my Dad today. Ted Nugent? How cool is that?! He joins Kid Rock as great Detroit musicians on team Mitt!

With so much at stake in this election, using violent rhetoric while speaking to audiences of extreme members of the Tea Party is profoundly irresponsible. Mitt Romney's campaign has embraced Nugent -- we can't let them get away with it.

Speak out against violent, offensive rhetoric and tell Mitt Romney to disavow Nugent's support.



OBAMA 2012 !!!
flounder said:
ted nugent is a one hit wonder, the motor city moron, and a typical rebublican racist. he is loving this, because his 15 minutes of fame was up a long time ago. mike, is this guy any kin to you :lol:

Kind of makes you wonder why the "Left" makes such a big deal of him.

The "left" needs to learn that you can't eat your dog and still have him to take on vacation too. :wink: :lol:
The dypsey chicks were liberals just like you flipper! and unlike you Ted had a hit you just strike out in your attempt's to be HUMAN :wink:
Hey Flounder have you done any research on Obama Birth Certificate yet or maybe who knew what and when it came to Fast and Furious and the related Border Patrol agent Brian Terrys death? Who was it that allowed the gun runner out of jail three times with no charges filed that has ties to Fast and Furious? Was it a Liberal law enforcement officer under orders from Holder or Obama?

Who all was involved in the Secret Service Scandel and what kind of Secret Service is the Obama Administration running when they have no control of their agents while on duty in a foreign country?

Who was it that OK'ed the Solyndra loan guarantees and was it Obama that added the clause that allowed the investors (HIS CAMPAIGN DONORS)to get paid back BEFORE THE TAXPAYERS? What did Obama mean when he said the US needs to Double down on their Green energy investments? Since he used DOUBLE DOWN which is a gambling term does Obama believe gambling with tax payer money on risky green energy companies like Solyndra, a smart investment?

Oh and while you are at it do a little Research on this tidbit too. Obama said he was not born with a SILVER SPOON in his mouth and that he was given a chance as somebody paid for his education. WHO paid for Obama's Harvard Ivy League Education? Was it somebody that was born with a Silver Spoon in his/her mouth or was it the Government through the Foreign Student Grant Program?

And since Obama's step father believes you are what you eat what other than mutt (Oh I need Dog) did Obama eat as a youngster? Can we guess he dined on Horse rump roast every Sunday evening? :wink:
Larrry said:

heres a big racist

What do you think would happen if the Romney campaign launched a White Americans of Romney :?

I could see there would be h*ll to pay and anyone donating would be tagged a FRIGGIN RACIST by people like Maher, Letterman, Stewart and the rest of Obamanation.

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