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Texas women

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Well-known member
Mar 17, 2005
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A very gentle Texas lady was driving across a high bridge in Texas one day. As she neared the top of the bridge, she noticed a young man fixin' (ready) to jump. She stopped her car, rolled down the window and said,'Please don't jump, think of your dear mother and father.'

He replied, 'Mom and Dad are both dead; I'm going to jump.'

She said, 'Well, think of your wife and children.'

He replied, 'I'm not married and I don't have any kids.'

She said, 'Well, think of the Alamo.'

He replied, ''What's the Alamo?''

She replied, ''Well bless your heart, just go ahead and jump, you dumb ass Yankee.
Good one, but I thought you were going to be pictures. :lol:
picture of Texas Women???? ok then, but I hope this don't get Mike all excited.....
jigs said:
picture of Texas Women???? ok then, but I hope this don't get Mike all excited.....

Jigs where did you get that picture of Haymaker and Elmo? :shock:

I knew that nun joke I told on him hit pretty close to home. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Big Muddy rancher said:
jigs said:
picture of Texas Women???? ok then, but I hope this don't get Mike all excited.....

Jigs where did you get that picture of Haymaker and Elmo? :shock:

I knew that nun joke I told on him hit pretty close to home. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Im gonna get you for that you big dum peckerwood.............good luck
PS looks more like you and cowcents to me :D :D :D
I do believe, I'm going to be laughing for the rest of the day! Thanks I needed that.
so, according to Haymaker, Texas women have bigger guns than Texas men...... no wonder they all come to Kansas to get satisfied!
You can make fun of us Yankees all you want, but we still kicked the South's a$$ and had them begging for mercy when it counted.
Ben H said:
You can make fun of us Yankees all you want, but we still kicked the South's a$$ and had them begging for mercy when it counted.

Now you did not have to say that. just come on down here and say that within my reach so I can give you a history lesson. Everbody knows Bobby Lee whiped them damyanks in the field.
alabama said:
Ben H said:
You can make fun of us Yankees all you want, but we still kicked the South's a$$ and had them begging for mercy when it counted.

Now you did not have to say that. just come on down here and say that within my reach so I can give you a history lesson. Everbody knows Bobby Lee whiped them damyanks in the field.

Alabama--I take it then that you didn't watch the History Channels new show out entitled "Shermans March"- portraying what a great strategist General Sherman was and how he was the father of modern blitzkreig type warfare :???: :wink: :lol:
I had a few in me when I wrote that. Unfortunately I don't get the history channel, I'm too cheap for anything more then the most basic cable. Thinking about Satelite so I can get RFD-TV though.

I'm probably not a good example of a Yankee but somebody needs to live up hear and balance out all the liberals.

I chuckle with phrases like "The South is gonna rise again", the reason I chuckle is that the majority of the military is in the South. Fort Drum is full of soldiers who hate the place and want to get somewhere warm.
Ben H said:
I had a few in me when I wrote that. Unfortunately I don't get the history channel, I'm too cheap for anything more then the most basic cable. Thinking about Satelite so I can get RFD-TV though.

I'm probably not a good example of a Yankee but somebody needs to live up hear and balance out all the liberals.

I chuckle with phrases like "The South is gonna rise again", the reason I chuckle is that the majority of the military is in the South. Fort Drum is full of soldiers who hate the place and want to get somewhere warm.

After I watched the show- the first thought that came to mind was "how many TV sets are there in the deep south tonite with bullet holes in them" :???: :wink: :lol: :lol: I don't think Sherman is much loved yet south of the Mason Dixon......
Oldtimer said:
Ben H said:
I had a few in me when I wrote that. Unfortunately I don't get the history channel, I'm too cheap for anything more then the most basic cable. Thinking about Satelite so I can get RFD-TV though.

I'm probably not a good example of a Yankee but somebody needs to live up hear and balance out all the liberals.

I chuckle with phrases like "The South is gonna rise again", the reason I chuckle is that the majority of the military is in the South. Fort Drum is full of soldiers who hate the place and want to get somewhere warm.

After I watched the show- the first thought that came to mind was "how many TV sets are there in the deep south tonite with bullet holes in them" :???: :wink: :lol: :lol: I don't think Sherman is much loved yet south of the Mason Dixon......

You are correct. That show was BS from the word go. :mad:

The word "Sherman" is still not allowed in my dad's house.
alabama said:
Ben H said:
You can make fun of us Yankees all you want, but we still kicked the South's a$$ and had them begging for mercy when it counted.

Now you did not have to say that. just come on down here and say that within my reach so I can give you a history lesson. Everbody knows Bobby Lee whiped them damyanks in the field.

I would'nt worry about what the nitwit said Alabama,but I would like ta put my boot in his ass :D ...................good luck
I often find myself wondering why the South lost..... it is a shame really, I mean had they won, the women today would all be proper ladies, and Jessi Jackson would be an unknown man...... pure bliss.

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