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The choice to be made


Well-known member
May 10, 2006
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Frankfort, Indiana
The choices to be made this fall are very simple. The choice between a constitutional government for the people with less government intervetion and a free nation or that of socialism. The choice between a government that works for the people or a government that controls the people.
In reviewing the possible candidates there was very little doubt that for the most part there is no possibility that they would be anything remotely like our current leader. Sure there were some exceptions such as Paul who firstly is not serious and completely radical in too many circumstances and wanted complete change and Huntsman who is nothing more than a rhino who wants little change.
Obama got one theme correct – the country wanted change but instead he has governed harder to send the bus further out of control.
If you look at Romney, Santorum, Gingrich, Bachman, Caine, Perry, and even throw in other possibilities of Daniels, Palin, Christy (who did not run for fear of having their families destroyed by the vicious leftist media) there is no doubt in my mind that they all would have done their very best to better America and been better by ten fold than Obama. What we must not do is let the media set the perception of what they want us to believe of these individuals. It is a simple choice between any of them vs Obama. I personaly hope that in some way they all have a part in the next administration.
Apparently the administration and media were most fearful of Caine as they lobed their complete arsenal to bring him down as he would draw in the black vote.
I have to admit I have reservations about professional politicians such as Romney and Gingrich and their ties to current elite of the party but would still vote for either of them to simply defeat Obama and send his band of thieves packing. They are Chicago politics at it’s best.
Our bigger concern is in the congress as they are the biggest pack of thieves and have set the path that we are on. I have changed my mind on term limits as I always thought that was set by the ballot box but I was wrong. We now have a 4th branch of government in the unelected bureaucrats destroying the private sector and over regulating and controlling our every move and private lives and defying the constitution. A 3rd branch is the judicial. Our courts through leftist appointments are now overreaching the law and governing by making law. It has been the congress that has allowed this and adopted the powers of the two sectors. The congress deserves the low approval rating it is getting and would be in the negative if only the American public knew of all of it’s misdealings.
We are all at fault for being too apathetic in our governing and the representatives we have sent to do the people’s work. We have allowed the minority and special interest groups to take over government, laws, and the constitution. We must as a nation throw out all the bums out regardless of party and set this ship right.
Well said. Enough of expecting the politicians to do the right thing. We must be vigilant and watch their every move.

We must be extremely vigilant in this primary process. The main people who are feeding the voters are the media. Investigate for yourself. After the convention the voters will then be fed by the media and the thirty second commercials. Shut them all off and investigate. Enough of trusting the politicians and the media. If you want it done right...do it yourself.
I’ll give an example of how the congress has allowed the bureaucratic side has taken over the rights of personal freedom to individuals from a personal experience.
Two years I received a notice to attend a meeting at the local library from the DNR & FEMA. At that meeting I was given notice that I was living in a now declared flood plain zone. When I bought this property in 1989, built my home and out bldgs there was not a flood plain zone anywhere in the county. To mine and anyone else I know there had not been any changes but at that meeting there had apparently been two and now the expansion of a third which would include my entire property unless I could prove just cause to be excluded. We have a creek that runs through the property and every farmsted along the pathway of that creek would be affected similarly. I formally objected and fought the process for a year and a half proving that most, particularly where my house and bldgs are located were above the established base line and had a letter from the DNR agreeing to so and thought it resolved. To my dismay last week I decided to take advantage of the low interest rates and decided to refi. It was approved until I got a call from the bank saying that according to records that I was living in a flood zone and would be forced to purchase insurance. I will get the loan but it will cost me aprox $1000 / year for something that I do not need, want, or would even see receipt from according to my insurance agent as it would only pay if the whole dam house were to float down stream! This is nothing more than the federal government exceeding it’s authority and forcing me to purchase a service or product much the same as Obamacare and should be unconstitutional. The premiums that I pay will pay for some idiot to build a house in New Oleans below sea level over and over again. Redistribution.
I choose where I live and it should not be the government’s responsibility to choose how and where or what products I purchase and from whom. On top of that we are controlled by the area planning commission on where and what we can build and that should be unlawful unless they can find where that is an imposition or effects someone else’s rights or property I see that as an encroachment of my personal freedoms..
WE clearly need a congress that will abolish these agencies, stop the spending, and transgressions against the citizens.
I live on an Island and it floods regularly.. I have even posted pictures of our street flooded...
I have a great picture of my boat floating in my garage..

but my home has never flooded in over 100 years and there has never been a flood claim on the property..

mostly because I know how high the water can get and have nothing below the water line that would get damaged by salt water.. in other words I am prepared..

my neighbor has had dozens of claims over the years.. she likes getting new stuff.. and pocketing money on repairs by doing the bare minimum to get her place fixed..

so in the last twenty five years I have paid about $37500 for a product I do not use... and hopefully will never have to use..

the answer is simple.. flood insurance is a good product for most, and a "welfare" hand out to many of them...

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