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the chief

Well-known member
Feb 17, 2005
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Sounds like a group that isn't PROUD of what they do or who they represent, doesn't it? :???:

Wonder who uses this statement on their website:

The Agribusiness Freedom Foundation!

I guess there's nothing wrong with secrecy. Clinton kept his affair secret as long as he could. The Japanese kept a secret on Dec. 7, 1941. I've got a secret was a popular show. Al Quaida kept a big secret on 9-11. Lots of people have secrets.
He, er, excuse me - the "foundation" sure is following the lead of reputable folks..... :roll:
Hey I'd like to know where I can contribute to the Agribusiness Freedom Foundation.

Any group or individual that has the courage to expose R-CULT for the deceptive organization that they are is worth outwardly supporting.

Why don't you challenge them on anything they have stated Chief? Oh never mind, you just repeat what you hear I forgot.

Consider me a non anonymous contributer.

I certainly don't fear retaliation from the blamers.

Count me in!

Big Muddy rancher said:
Does R-CALF publish a membership list?

They've been e-mailing out lists of all the contributors and membership purchases at their fund raisers-- I was posting them until you began to gripe-so I figured you'd rather not know :wink: - Canadian Defense System :lol:
Oldtimer said:
Big Muddy rancher said:
Does R-CALF publish a membership list?

They've been e-mailing out lists of all the contributors and membership purchases at their fund raisers-- I was posting them until you began to gripe-so I figured you'd rather not know :wink: - Canadian Defense System :lol:

{The list they should publish is of dues paying members who are actively involved and voting in the associations (state & nationL), earning the majority of family income from raising their cattle, old enough (at least 12-15 years of age and working on their family ranch when not in school) to contribute to the family labor pool and owning their own cattle, and if businesses other than ranching they should be related to the cattle business, and ????

Just listing some of the criteria NCBA members have been criticized as NOT meeting, with exception of my point about kids as full members, based on some names I've seen listed as Stockgrower members. It is great to encourage kids, but just don't try to lead the world to think they are full, contributing members of the organization.

MRJ- Where does NCBA post their dues paying list at? Just curious because I've had several acquaintances say they've dropped their membership and I was wondering where to look to see if its true......
Why do some of you STRAY so far off the original topic. The Topic is confidentiality in the great big forseer of the future, the Agribusiness Freedom Foundation.

This ISN"T about RCALF or NCBA, it's about the AFF. Who is REALLY fronting Steve Dittmer and his philosophy?

That's all I want to know.

Thank you.

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