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The NCBA Foundation helping hurricane victims

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Well-known member
Feb 21, 2005
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I didn't double check this info, but do know the NCBA members Foundation is already helping hurricane victims and is soliciting more money.

Check it out at www.beef.org for more details.

The National Cattlemens' Joundation Disaster Relief Fund has been activated to collect and distribute aid for hurricane victims.

Checks may be made to NCF with designation "Hurricane Katrina" on the memo line. Or donations can be made by credit card on the phone.

National Cattlemens' Foundation
9110 East Nichols Ave.
Centennial, CO 80112

phone 303-694-03-5

Disbursements will be coordinated with Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana Cattlemens' Associations.

As an avid supporter of charitable organizations, I would encourage everyone to donate through the Red Cross of the Salvation Army. Your money is more likely to go where it is intended.
Econ101 said:
As an avid supporter of charitable organizations, I would encourage everyone to donate through the Red Cross of the Salvation Army. Your money is more likely to go where it is intended.

I agree you send it to the mncba and no telling where it will go..............good luck PS stick with a reputable org. like the red cross or salvation army :wink:
PS stick with a reputable org. like the red cross or salvation army :wink:

or, or, or............r-cult?? :roll:

ncba has offered to help, has r-cult?

Don't trust where you money will end up. GIVE BLOOD
Econ 101 and Haymaker, you are predictably and disappointingly vicious in your lies about NCBA.

Honest people would offer some semblance of validity to such serious claims.......but, don't know why we should expect that from you at this point in your posting "careers" on this site, either.

I know people who have had bad experiences with Red Cross in the past......but still I would recommend them because they have an overall pretty good track record.

The National Cattlemens' Foundation aid will be targeted by and to ranchers, a class or group of people usually overlooked for assistance in such circumstances. And my guess is that very close to, and most probably 100% of donations will be used to help those in need.

Come on folks, lets not politicize this tragedy any more than it already has been.

I wish both NCBA and R-CALF would take up donations and give those donations equally to the "Red Cross", "Salvation Army", and "Habitat for Humanity". All are worthy causes.

JUST DONATE and forget about who gets credit and what someone's motives are.

Let's give every cattlemen the benefit of the doubt on this issue.

My sole objective in posting the NCF fundraising info was to let people know that there is a means for us in agriculture to donate where the funds will help others in agriculture.

Obviously, other sources such as Red Cross, et.al. will focus on humanitarian needs first.

There are people down there who have dairies whose cattle will be ruined without power to milk them and feed them.

There are beef cattle producers whose livlihood can be helped somewhat with timely aid for finding their surviving cattle, and repairing fences.

No one is being forced to donate against their will.

We choose to donate through Thri-Vent, formerly Lutheran Brotherhood, and NCF......and applaud those who choose to give through whatever they believe are responsive organizations.


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