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Calf nuts were a transition. Thats not quite what my wife had to say about that.
C-E said:
Calf nuts were a transition. Thats not quite what my wife had to say about that.

Ree and Marlboro Man must live in Oklahoma somewhere. Do they live close to you?

Oldtimer said:
Her pronounciation of chaps, chaps me.... :wink:

In the picture is was chinks, anyway. She should have said "chinks." Chaps are spelled "chaps" but are pronounced "shaps" in this neck of the woods. :wink:
Either way her kid's seem to be getting raised properly.No skateboard's and mall's in their near future..
:) the CHaps pronounciation grated a little here, too..you'ld have thought Marlboro Man would have taught her by now what is correct --

Had a guy stop me in the grocery store the other day to tell me how much he liked my cowboy stories in the newspaper and how he knew they were authentic and he was from Deadwood, SD so knew authentic and yada yada yada......went on and on...and he had me right up until he said, "at least I know you know how to put on your CHaps the right way....(using the CH sound instead of the SH)...
It was a dead giveaway.'

I drop by the Pioneer Woman's site at least once a week --she is funny and she does add a different prospective to that world --according to CNN she gets 25,000 hits a DAY on that site. That could be a good thing for ranching and that way of life. She's added a personal, come into my home and join us, touch to it.

I've just never figured out how she has time to do all she does on that site, the photos AND home school and raise four kids --Youth has it's merits I guess!! :) and my envy is not becoming :)
I'm a rancher but I never claimed to be a 'real' cowboy and the pronunciation of chaps is evidence of that. I do not recall ever hearing them pronounced shaps. Guess all my old time cowboy heroes from the mid fifties to early sixties weren't 'real cowboy's either, huh? Didn't they say chaps with the c sound? Just looked in my 40 yr. old Webster and it has shaps as the correct pronunciation. Still alive-still learning.
Her pronunciation of CHaps, grated on me too. However, I wondered if she did it for her largely urban readership, thinking they wouldn't get it if she used the word correctly.

I think she is doing a good job promoting the western lifestyle, although I'm afraid her readers might get an overly romantic view of ranch life. She seems a bit too enthralled with it all yet to me. After 11 years she's seems pretty "dreamy" about it all yet!
Chaps is a shortened version of a spanish word that I'm sure to mis-spell. I believe it is chaparellos. In any case, the "ch" in that word would be pronounced "sh". Correct me if I'm wrong, I sure could be.
It is pronuonced with the CH sound here in Mexico. Just like the name Chico or chocolate. You are correct movin' on.
I guess what it boils down to, is that it is pronounced differently in different locals. My mother-in-law, who hails from a longtime ranching family, says that her family always pronounced it "chaps" like "chocolate" or "chips." After her first husband died and she married one of the local ranchers in this area, she said they had a rather heated debate on this very subject. Neither side would give in, so she still calls them "chaps" and he used "shaps" up until his dying day.

It is about the same deal when you talk about which side is the correct way to buckle on your spur straps. Personally, I like the buckles on the inside of my boot. It is just much more convenient. However, there are those who maintain that the "correct" way is to have the buckles on the outside of your boot. :roll: And then there are the tie-hard-and-fast ropers, and those who would prefer to dally. :? :wink: There will always be two schools of thought on these and many other subjects, as long as there are cowboys. :)
Soapweed said:
I guess what it boils down to, is that it is pronounced differently in different locals. My mother-in-law, who hails from a longtime ranching family, says that her family always pronounced it "chaps" like "chocolate" or "chips." After her first husband died and she married one of the local ranchers in this area, she said they had a rather heated debate on this very subject. Neither side would give in, so she still calls them "chaps" and he used "shaps" up until his dying day.

It is about the same deal when you talk about which side is the correct way to buckle on your spur straps. Personally, I like the buckles on the inside of my boot. It is just much more convenient. However, there are those who maintain that the "correct" way is to have the buckles on the outside of your boot. :roll: And then there are the tie-hard-and-fast ropers, and those who would prefer to dally. :? :wink: There will always be two schools of thought on these and many other subjects, as long as there are cowboys. :)

I call them shaps and chinks. I buckle my spur straps to the outside just because that is how my Uncle did it and he's where i aquired them as a young girl. Plus I don't like the buckles touching (odd but hey that is how I can be at times I admit it!).

Learning to rope I was taught to dally. Only old timers are allowed and respected to tie on hard and fast. I always thought tieing on was a way for a quick wreck to happen. Just my opinion.

In my opinion in tight spaces dalling is the only way it keeps those on the ground safe.

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