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Jul 23, 2007
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The good ole USA
Posted at 09:10 AM ET, 12/15/2011
President Obama to stay in D.C. while Michelle Obama, daughters head to Hawaii
By David Nakamura
First lady Michelle Obama and first daughters Sasha and Malia are headed to Hono­lulu on Friday for a 17-day vacation — without the president.

At least for now.

With the White House and Congress embroiled in a standoff over a spending bill and payroll tax cut proposal that could lead to a government shutdown Saturday, Obama appears ready to make good on his promise to stay in Washington until the issues are resolved.

The White House announced Wednesday that the rest of the first family would leave Washington Friday evening after delivering toys and gifts to the Marines Corps’ Toys for Tots program. As of now, the president will not be on the plane with them, unless an agreement is reached in the next 36 hours.

The Obama administration is pushing Congress to approve a short-term funding bill to keep government in business until a longer-term spending resolution can be worked out.

In both of his first two years in office, Obama briefly delayed his vacation to remain in Washington while Congress completed its business.

View Photo Gallery: Presidents throughout history have spent their leisure time at destinations as far-flung as Botswana and as traditional as Martha’s Vineyard.

In 2009, Obama waited an extra day to be sure Congress approved his landmark health-care legislation. Last year, Obama joined his family five days late as he shepherded two legislative bills through Capitol Hill, extending tax cuts and repealing a military ban on openly gay service members.

In some ways, perhaps it would be good for the president if he doesn’t head West quite as early as planned. As is always the case with presidential vacations, Obama already is being attacked by opponents for planning to take a 17-day holiday.

The White House

Office of the Press Secretary

For Immediate Release November 09, 2011 Executive Order 13589 -- Promoting Efficient Spending


By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, and in order to further promote efficient spending in the Federal Government, it is hereby ordered as follows:

Section 1. Policy. My Administration is committed to cutting waste in Federal Government spending and identifying opportunities to promote efficient and effective spending. The Federal Government performs critical functions that support the basic protections that Americans have counted on for decades. As they serve taxpayers, executive departments and agencies (agencies) also must act in a fiscally responsible manner, including by minimizing their costs, in order to perform these mission critical functions in the most efficient, cost effective way. As such, I have pursued an aggressive agenda for reducing administrative costs since taking office and, most recently, within my Fiscal Year 2012 Budget. Building on this effort, I direct agency heads to take even more aggressive steps to ensure the Government is a good steward of taxpayer money.

Sec. 2. Agency Reduction Targets. Each agency shall establish a plan for reducing the combined costs associated with the activities covered by sections 3 through 7 of this order, as well as activities included in the Administrative Efficiency Initiative in the Fiscal Year 2012 Budget, by not less than 20 percent below Fiscal Year 2010 levels, in Fiscal Year 2013. Agency plans for meeting this target shall be submitted to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) within 45 days of the date of this order. The OMB shall monitor implementation of these plans consistent with Executive Order 13576 of June 13, 2011 (Delivering an Efficient, Effective, and Accountable Government).

Sec. 3. Travel. (a) Agency travel is important to the effective functioning of Government and certain activities can be performed only by traveling to a different location. However, to ensure efficient travel spending, agencies are encouraged to devise strategic alternatives to Government travel, including local or technological alternatives, such as teleconferencing and video conferencing. Agencies should make all appropriate efforts to conduct business and host or sponsor conferences in space controlled by the Federal Government, wherever practicable and cost effective. Lastly, each agency should review its policies associated with domestic civilian permanent change of duty station travel (relocations), including eligibility rules, to identify ways to reduce costs and ensure appropriate controls are in place.

(b) Each agency, agency component, and office of inspector general should designate a senior level official to be responsible for developing and implementing policies and controls to ensure efficient spending on travel and conference related activities, consistent with subsection (a) of this section.

Sec. 4. Employee Information Technology Devices. Agencies should assess current device inventories and usage, and establish controls, to ensure that they are not paying for unused or underutilized information technology (IT) equipment, installed software, or services. Each agency should take steps to limit the number of IT devices (e.g., mobile phones, smartphones, desktop and laptop computers, and tablet personal computers) issued to employees, consistent with the Telework Enhancement Act of 2010 (Public Law 111 292), operational requirements (including continuity of operations), and initiatives designed to create efficiency through the effective implementation of technology. To promote further efficiencies in IT, agencies should consider the implementation of appropriate agency-wide IT solutions that consolidate activities such as desktop services, email, and collaboration tools.

Sec. 5. Printing. Agencies are encouraged to limit the publication and printing of hard copy documents and to presume that information should be provided in an electronic form, whenever practicable, permitted by law, and consistent with applicable records retention requirements. Agencies should consider using acquisition vehicles developed by the OMB's Federal Strategic Sourcing Initiative to acquire printing and copying devices and services.

Sec. 6. Executive Fleet Efficiencies. The President's Memorandum of May 24, 2011 (Federal Fleet Performance) directed agencies to improve the performance of the Federal fleet of motor vehicles by increasing the use of vehicle technologies, optimizing fleet size, and improving agency fleet management. Building upon this effort, agencies should limit executive transportation.

Sec. 7. Extraneous Promotional Items. Agencies should limit the purchase of promotional items (e.g., plaques, clothing, and commemorative items), in particular where they are not cost-effective.

Sec. 8. General Provisions. (a) Nothing in this order shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect:

(i) authority granted by law to a department or agency, or the head thereof;

(ii) functions of the Director of OMB related to budgetary, administrative, or legislative proposals; or

(iii) the authority of inspectors general under the Inspector General Act of 1978, as amended.

(b) This order shall be implemented consistent with applicable law and subject to the availability of appropriations.

(c) Independent agencies are requested to adhere to this order.

(d) This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.


November 9, 2011.
Michelle’s Solo Hawaii Trip Likely to Exceed $100,000

by Keith Koffler on December 15, 2011, 11:49 am

First lady Michelle Obama’s separate voyage to Hawaii promises to cost taxpayers tens of thousand in extra dollars, as her separate entourage and hefty flying costs pile on the costs.

The military jet flight alone is priced at more than $60,000, according to government estimates. But that’s only the beginning. The additional cargo flight that often accompanies the first lady on such a trip must also be paid for, as well as the limos and other accoutrements it will contain.

As she will be separated from the presidential security bubble, Michelle will require her own entourage of Secret Service protection, in addition to the staffers who will be leaving early to go to Hawaii with her.

The total tab will certainly be in excess of $100,000, and possibly quite a bit more.
Mike said:
Michelle’s Solo Hawaii Trip Likely to Exceed $100,000

by Keith Koffler on December 15, 2011, 11:49 am

First lady Michelle Obama’s separate voyage to Hawaii promises to cost taxpayers tens of thousand in extra dollars, as her separate entourage and hefty flying costs pile on the costs.

The military jet flight alone is priced at more than $60,000, according to government estimates. But that’s only the beginning. The additional cargo flight that often accompanies the first lady on such a trip must also be paid for, as well as the limos and other accoutrements it will contain.

As she will be separated from the presidential security bubble, Michelle will require her own entourage of Secret Service protection, in addition to the staffers who will be leaving early to go to Hawaii with her.

The total tab will certainly be in excess of $100,000, and possibly quite a bit more.

I wonder how much the private airlines would provide a flight for....only her and the kids on the plane.......I would expect that the TSA would keep that plane as secure as they do for any American passenger(s), wouldn't they? Think of the money that would be saved? The added TSA security is not costing that much, is it?
A Charter would cost about $20-$30,000.00. And they will still have to get the entire entourage there.

Or, they could put her in a cage and let Fed-Ex ship her with the rest of the zoo animals.................

Why is it when President Bush or first lady Laura Bush went anywhere there was no mention of an entourage, separate planes or even the cost?

With everything the liberals cried about, I don't ever remember that being an issue.. no million dollar buses, elaborate expensive vacations..

all they could come up with is he spent to much time at Camp David.. or on his ranch..

also it seems the liberals math is somewhat lacking when counting "vacation days"..

if going to the ranch counts as a vacation day... yet when they totaled Obama' first two years they dropped camp David...

As of today, here are the answers to those questions.

Since taking office, President Obama has taken 10 "vacation" trips of lengths from 2 days to 12.
They total all or part of 61 days.
His "vacation" starting today is #11.
These numbers are separate from his 20 visits to Camp David spanning all or part of 48 days.

In less than TWO YEARS Obama has spent 61 days ‘regular’ vacation plus 48 days at Camp David which equals 109 vacation days.

"As of March, Obama had played 60 rounds of golf—or in liberal terms, “Obama has spent two months of his presidency on the golf course.”

so how does the numbers compare if you exclude the trips home? I know Obama hasn't gone home much,, like anyone would want to go back to Chicago... :shock:

the fact is I looked and didn't find any mention of over the top vacation costs of any of the last few Presidents...

little know fact.. when Clinton went to Hawaii he stayed on the military base.. to cut costs and security concerns..


if you want to see the "real vacation days of Bush compared to Obama

exclude the golf months, the Camp David days and the days spent at home (on the ranch)

and see what the real "vacation" total is..

notice the wording...

So far, President Obama has taken 61 vacation days after 31 months in office. At this point in their presidencies, George W. Bush had spent 180 days at his ranch where his staff often joined him for meetings. And Ronald Reagan had taken 112 vacation days at his ranch.

at this point.. Bush or Reagan must not have even taken a day or it would have been thrown into the total..

Clinton took 28 days compared to Obama ... at the same point.. again he didn't have a ranch to go back to.. and when he left the presidency he moved to New York..

if you just look at vacations.. and not trips to Camp David or home.. the numbers are obscene, in days and money..

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