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Well-known member
Apr 8, 2008
Reaction score
NE Oregon
This morning I got done feeding the calves an was walking up the driveway. Suddenly both dogs took off like a shot. I hollered NO. But I was spitting in the wind. There was about a dozen turkeys in the upper corner of the field. Turkeys flew every direction. A couple landed in the black walnut tree in the front yard. One landed in the apple tree. A couple sailed across the river. Two just flew up the hill a bit and landed on the ground. Patty went after them and made them fly off somewhere. Picture of a turkey in a walnut tree. Which is different than a partridge in a pear tree, that would be closer to Christmas.

I prefer the taste of wild turkey to partridge, so a 22 shot to the head and that bird would be roasting in my oven.
Just a bit ago Patty and I went out to check the calves in the field and checked to see if that little rain slicked up the road (trail) to our firewood project. After that I thought we would run up the road to check things that way. Came around the corner at the shooting range and there were those turkeys. Doing 18 mph on the quad doesn't bother Patty. She bailed off at a run and got after those darn turkey. It is just against her better judgement to let a turkey stand around unmolested. This time they either landed in a juniper tree or flew across the river.

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