"...because he's afraid of the people." - A government with a majority that Harper's gov't has enjoyed rather negates Nader's claim. Ralph seems to confuse natural consequence of long-term programs with government intention. He stumbled rather badly when asked what a Liberal gov't would have done differently. It would have been just too hard to say "nothing".
He doesn't seem to realize that our healthcare system, while still a very good policy, is quickly eroding to a quagmire of ineffectivity because of the stupendous largess that is gutting the system like termites in an old building.
There are two cures for greed - one is to practice self-control with a view to the public good, and the other is to watch a system destroy itself and implode. Guess which is happening here?
So dumping more money into a corrupt system is hardly advisable or affordable for any government.
Poor old Ralph is getting very old, quite past his best-before date. But still somewhat entertaining...