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Faster horses

Well-known member
Feb 11, 2005
Reaction score
NE WY at the foot of the Big Horn mountains
We had a set of twins this spring and since we didn't lose a calf, we left them on the cow all summer. She is a 5 year old cow. We gave the fall shots today and weighed the calves. I haven't figured everything up yet, but those twin calves weighed a total of 1175 pounds. That is no creep, just momma's milk and grass. One weighed 598 and the other 577. She sure did a good job raising them. I tried to get a picture, but the calves wouldn't cooperate.
As you probably know from my privious postings I love twins :D and keep almost every twin hiefer ( as long as both are twins) and keep all hiefers from cows that have a history of twins. :D :D It is not uncommon for me to have 5 sets of twins a year out of 30 some odd cows ( four sets out of 32 cows this year). :D :D :D :D

Yes these calves will only be about 80% as large as their buddies :( - - but in my math 80% + 80% = 160%. :D :D :D

I have not had problems with calves and I feel as the mineral and other feed needs are met better that calves could become much more common.
We don't care for twins, generally speaking. We just want to have one good, live calf. Usually there is WORK involved with twins. This just happened to turn out super good. Usually someone (me) has to bottle feed one of the twins. Maybe in your country you have better forage and you can keep the twins on the cow. Very seldom have we ever done that.

Once in awhile a twin comes in handy if you lose a calf, but more often than not, you just have an extra calf to mess with.

Glad you like them, and glad it works for you! :)
I never thought of it that way :? but I believe you are right :eek: we happen to have lush enough grass long enough that the mommas can do a good job with twins :D - - - If I get the twin thing down right should I try for triplets??? :? :wink:
George, out of curiosity, what is your experience with twin heifers re-breeding? I have found with AI, one is still less likely to get in calf.

Just an observation, no real numbers or studies to back this up.
I have no problem as long as both are female :D - - - if you have a bull and hiefer set of twins my vet calls the heifer a "free marten" :? and states it is about 95% sure to not breed so I don't keep them back :!: .

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