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U.S. ban on horse slaughter lifted


Well-known member
Sep 4, 2009
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A ban on killing horses for meat has been lifted by members of Congress who dropped a provision in a spending bill that barred funding for the inspection of slaughtering facilities, the Oklahoman reports. The legislators pointed to a report from the General Accounting Office that the ban, put in place in 2006, had led to unintended consequences, including an increase in horse abandonments, price decreases and a jump in horse exports for overseas slaughter, the newspaper noted. "Horse welfare in the United States has generally declined since 2007, as evidenced by a reported increase in horse abandonments and an increase in investigations for horse abuse and neglect,'' the GAO report said. "The extent of the decline is unknown due to a lack of comprehensive, national data, but state officials attributed the decline in horse welfare to many factors, but primarily to the cessation of domestic slaughter and the U.S. economic downturn."

Its about darn time, just think of all that evil stuff called ( money ) that was lost on the ban, and all the pain that it caused the horse
gonna have to see about 5 horses that were turned loose a couple of weeks ago on my lease property. they do not usually last long in the wild, either the cats or the yotes get them, wonder who owns them if we bring them in???
Passage is a great beginning. Most likely, the 'anti' types will go after it in full force now. Politics will probably determine the outcome and real sales and processing of horses for food most likely will not happen soon enough for the current problems.

It's all another sad example of ignorant bleeding hearts succeeding in actions where they have no idea of the true outcome. Unless.... the true goal is financial harm to people producing food animals.

so is everyone under the assumption the horse slaughter plants were just temporarily closed down and tommorrow they are going to walk in and flip on the lights and start slaughtering horses? I'm guessing it will take a while to get everything back on line and people in place, if it is economically viable to do so. I'd suspect it is, but were those plants mothballed, or sold out and the facilities put to other uses? Politics do some awfully stupid and illogical things at times.
The reason the ban was enacted in the first place is because the un-informed listened to a radical element of the population that painted a picture that contained only a tiny percentage of truth! The knee-jerk reaction they made was a horrible piece of legislation. NOTHING will change if folks in our industry do not do more to inform the folks who make our laws. Every elected official needs to get emails and letters and calls and tweets showing the actual truth instead of propaganda from a well organized minority. My horses will spend their lives on my place if they are the kind of horse that earns that kind of treatment. The ones that don't make the cut because of temprament or lack of ability will go to the sale where somebody else might get some use out of them. An old horse on my place will go into the dirt on my place and many tears will be shed. So I don't know if a horse of mine would ever go into dogfood or a dinner plate. But to take away the option for others because i wouldn't use it is simply arrogant and condesending in my opinion. :? I applaud the decision to repeal a law that ended up hurting a lot more horses than it helped. And i'd encourage everyone who has a dog in the fight to stand up and be heard, LOUDLY, to drown out the very few who WILL scream to the highest mountain-top. If you choose to remain quite, you won't have to wait long til it's back and even more restrictive than before. And after horse slaughter is outlawed, how long until they apply that logic to CATTLE? :shock:
Whitewing said:
I've never eaten horse. Is it tasty?

I've never eaten it - but had an old neighbor, that died back in the 70's, that ran several hundred head of cows- and about a 30-50 head horse herd...And every fall besides butchering his years supply of beef- would go out with his old 45-70 rifle and pick out the cull cripple/nonconformation young horses and butcher...

His daughter (who was a very good friend that died a couple of years ago) claimed they may have ate more horse meat growing up than anything else- and in her later years was upset about the difficulty in getting horse meat....
Oldtimer said:
Whitewing said:
I've never eaten horse. Is it tasty?

I've never eaten it - but had an old neighbor, that died back in the 70's, that ran several hundred head of cows- and about a 30-50 head horse herd...And every fall besides butchering his years supply of beef- would go out with his old 45-70 rifle and pick out the cull cripple/nonconformation young horses and butcher...

His daughter (who was a very good friend that died a couple of years ago) claimed they may have ate more horse meat growing up than anything else- and in her later years was upset about the difficulty in getting horse meat....

It looks very lean.

Back when I was attending Chadron State College, during the 1970-1971 term, the school cafeteria served some rather pink sweet-tasting meat.
As college kids are prone to do, we joked that it was probably horse meat. The joke was on us. A few months later, the Chadron Meat Center
was found to have been selling horse meat to the college and proclaiming it to be beef. A lawsuit ensued, but I never did hear the final
results. So, yes, I have eaten horse meat. It's not too bad, and it's not too good. In retrospect though, I think it tastes better than venison.
When I was younger, I lived with my sister and brother-in-law for a spell.
I was late getting home for dinner one night and the leftovers were sitting in the fridge for me.
My BIL had made dinner and then had gone out for the evening (my sister was away).
While the steak was rather tasty, I knew it was not beef. It was very lean and sweet; tender too. I just figured it was buffalo or some other game.
The next morning I saw the brown paper wrapper in the bin and inked across it read: Kenny Watson's Quarter Horse. :shock:
My dirty BIL got a real kick out of that.
We lived in Belgium for several years. After we arrived we were pretty slow picking up French. We occasionally bought bifstek cheval - which was horse meat.

After learning what we were eating,we bought other meat, but saved one nice steak for my mother who was visiting. After we told her what she had eaten, she was suprised, a little shocked and said "Well, it was actually pretty good".

Probably would not do it again because of the mental thing, but it would sure beat starving - which is where it all started during World War I.

Oldtimer said:
Whitewing said:
I've never eaten horse. Is it tasty?

The early morning guys on WBAP radio in FT Worth were having fun with it this morning. The old rancher and his wife sat down at a resturant he said I'll have the blackened stallion, his wife ordered a Filly cheese steak. :wink:
With the third world begging for protien why not them horse meat. If the slaughter is resumed it will put a floor back in the horse market and will be an option besides shoot and bury or let starve to death.
One point I've never seen addressed is the arrogance of a few people in the USA telling others in other nations, as well as here, what they can or cannot eat.

Maybe the horse meat question is just a first, easy step for HSUS, PETA and friends on the road to eliminating any and all animals being eaten as food.

There are plenty of animals considered as pets only to some people, which are routinely eaten in this, and other countries.

Isn't it strange we don't hear a fuss over eating cats, dogs, and whatever else is another persons gourmet meal, or meat they can afford????


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