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Ummm Northern Rancher

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Saw him tonight we did a mile circlle trying to sneak past the does but got busted one old flathead was a serial snorter and got everybody on high alert. I hit the sheets played right out last night lol.
Pretty tough decision tonight had a chance to get another shot at him-but I decided to back out and try again-there were 35 other deer in the field and not being able to walk I could see blowing my stalk. He's a great buck-it's fun playing chess with him every night-would be sooo easy with a rifle but the muzzie is differeent.
Northern Rancher said:
Pretty tough decision tonight had a chance to get another shot at him-but I decided to back out and try again-there were 35 other deer in the field and not being able to walk I could see blowing my stalk. He's a great buck-it's fun playing chess with him every night-would be sooo easy with a rifle but the muzzie is differeent.

I just loved this post that you made, shows such great character .
Good luck with your buck NR ,more importantly I am glad you are enjoying the game . :D
You'll have to set up a blind and sit the afternoon with a good book. Something like 'The Fencepost Chronicles' by W.P. Kinsella. Mostly short stories so you can remember to look up every 10 minutes or so.
Well went back out after him tonight-Ty got his moose yesterday so was hoping the luck would continue. We were just getting ready to leave had hopped out to take a leak when Ty peaked down a little cutline-he was at twenty yards with three other bucks-I got on the shooting sticks but was kind of in an awkward position-it felt like someone was pryting on my dislocated rib with a hot knife. He held up just inside the treeline at about five yards-Ithe other bucks came out but he wouldn't committ and turned back. I got into a solider rest and he finally stepped out at 150 yards. I had a good sight picture and squeezed off. He did the heart shot kick and snow plowed into the bush. Decided to back off and leave him till morning-hopefully the yotes don't push him or eat him up. Not sure what he's going to score but the biggest whitetail I've ever shot. Tired old camper tonight lol.
There is a knarly old buck
Whose living on pure luck
Cause he isn't in my truck
All I an say is ohh fddlesticks

Going into clinic to get some buck fever vaccine-he won round two lol!!!
nothing beats a good hunting story - you tell em good. my two boys and i went out this am to look for a whitetail thats been hanging a few miles off our summer grass all summer. the oldest boy is his first year so he gets a couple day head start. funnest hunt i've ever had and we came away empty handed. i think maybe saturday well go back. we skirted willow creek on our summer grass for somewhere around 3.5 miles going south and go to our neighbors place and decided not to go any further without permission and on the way back we decided to walk up a draw feeding into willow creek that tailed out probably another 2 or 3 miles back to the NE.... never walked it before but always figured it would be a nice spot. anyhow walking back i knew we were going to run into something as sure as shot we did but he was gone before my son could get into a position to even see him. so we walked back straight west for about a mile and spotted him and two does slowly walking back down the creek south and they went to grazing after half and hour or 45 mins... so we decided to back track down this draw and see if we could get back down south below them without seeing us then come back up the creek for a shot. so we went close to a mile further down the creek into my neighbors place (without permission - but my excuse is i let him hunt off permission from long time ago on my stuff so i thought it would be ok). so we finally get back to the creek where we think we half to be atleast a half mile south of where we last saw them and just creeped up the creek staying real low, every step was baby steps, scoped out every little finger draw, brush, you name it. seemed like it took forever and right we i figured we had to be on top of them we see two does go skirting across the creek probably a mile and a half further north. we thought they had to have made us and had gone north so we were a little tired no water nothing and decided to try again another time and clark throws the gun over his head and shoulder and we walk up on a cow trail that skirts the breaks around the creek and boom we about stepped on the stupid buck - scared the crap out of all of us... we could almost touch the stupid thing. anyhow clark can't get the gun off quick enough, strap on gun hooks his hood and pulls it up over his head and says help. anyhow they got back across the creek and up another draw and we never could catch up. we laughed the however many mile walk back to the truck. can't wait to try again.

oh yeah we saw a beaver too in a big old pothole on the creek... talked to an old guy that live further up the creek and says hes never heard of such a thing on that creek.
Northern Rancher said:
There is a knarly old buck
Whose living on pure luck
Cause he isn't in my truck
All I an say is ohh fddlesticks
:D anybody want to lay a side bet where NR will be the first morning there's a skiff of snow? :lol: :lol:

Great story H76, sure makes a difference trying to get 2 or 3 people in the right place rather than being alone, but it's worth it!!
H76, your story reminds me of an old Greek rancher we knew that
said funny things~one of them being,
"Stand close back. Where's there's two, there's one". :lol: :lol: :lol:

He was talking about rattlesnakes, but your story of the deer hunt
reminded me of him saying that. Thanks for the memory.

Nice that you are taking your son hunting.
Faster horses said:
H76, your story reminds me of an old Greek rancher we knew that
said funny things~one of them being,
"Stand close back. Where's there's two, there's one". :lol: :lol: :lol:

He was talking about rattlesnakes, but your story of the deer hunt
reminded me of him saying that. Thanks for the memory.

Nice that you are taking your son hunting.

We had an old neighbor that would say, "Ten times out of nine it will happen that way." :wink:
Faster horses said:
That's funny too!!
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Not to hijack the thread, but this old Greek got brucellosis
in his herd years ago. He was talking about it and he called
it the BINGO DISEASE ...."bingo, out poppa decalfa!!!!"

I know a guy that would say, "Well, I can't phantom it happening like that."
My foreman at my day job always says: "Well, it's not rocket surgery"

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