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Well-known member
Feb 10, 2005
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I thought the Texas cow was delivered to a dog food plant, guess that was a lie, she was taken to a meat packing plant.

"Let's go back in time and say we had conducted Western blot," Rogers said. "We would have critics saying we had stepped outside our protocol."

In fact, the National Cattlemen's Beef Association publicly criticized the inspector general for stepping out of the testing routine - just before it became clear that her irregular action had turned up the positive BSE finding.

But they can step out of protocol changing the rules on opening the border. R-calf wants to test to see if we have BSE, NCBA gets upset if we test to see. :???:

I think the idea is to confuse the public so much that they throw their hands up. :wink:
USDA gets a D or D minus," said Caroline Smith Dewaal of the Washington-based advocacy group, Center for Science in the Public Interest. "The best thing that came out of this is the work of the inspector general."

It was the department's in-house watchdog, Inspector General Phyllis Fong, who skirted the USDA hierarchy by ordering retesting with a different method more than six months after a routine second-round test, known as the immunohistochemistry (IHC) test, proved negative for BSE.

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