Well-known member
This is Old "If It Works"
Vickey wanted to stop and Look at Ponies one day _ The first thing this Old Man Said Was "I don't sell my Baby's - !"
All the horses he has were his BABY'S
He ended up tacking a Liking to V_Key and ended up Giving Her "Spice"!
In time he called us and Said = = = ¿"I have Spices Brother _ Does she want him"? "He is still a Stud"!
The baby she keeps talking to became her's
This is what She Found-!
View this video shared via iMemories: http://imemories.us/15ut8Gx
He warmed to us when he found that we Knew Horses-!
Vickey wanted to stop and Look at Ponies one day _ The first thing this Old Man Said Was "I don't sell my Baby's - !"
All the horses he has were his BABY'S
He ended up tacking a Liking to V_Key and ended up Giving Her "Spice"!
In time he called us and Said = = = ¿"I have Spices Brother _ Does she want him"? "He is still a Stud"!
The baby she keeps talking to became her's
This is what She Found-!
View this video shared via iMemories: http://imemories.us/15ut8Gx
He warmed to us when he found that we Knew Horses-!