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Wanna Go Out Tonight?

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101. Chopping ice for the livestock to drink on a winter day, and after the ice has been punctured, seeing the water surge up through the hole. This is a sign that warmer nicer weather is on the way.
102. Getting up in the morning and then realizing your chores are alot easier now because the bulls are out with the cows, the barns are empty, and your husband left the cows out in the field last night and you don't have to wade through the muck in the corrals to let them out! Whoohoo! More time for coffee this morning!
103. going down to the barn, choring, going back to the house knowing that everyone is settled for the night, content, with a blizzard blowing. that's THE BEST.
104: Last stitch on a late night succsessful c-section

105: Tractor engine coming alive at -45 degrees

106: Dragging calves to the branding fire

107: Checking cows in the middle of the night and hearing the creek running for the first time in the spring
109. The smell of the desert after it rains.

110. The first sign of green in the winter knowing everything will eat.

111. Watching your kids as they see their first foal, calf or puppy born.

112. Watching your children come into the world and hoping they like it.

113. being reminded by your kids that life is fun and exciting
114. "Ni-ni Papa"

115. "Wuv you Papa"

116. "Check cows Papa?"

117. "What da heffas doin' Papa?"

118. "Wook at da big bull Papa!"

119. The giggles following the arrival of the Tickle-Monster

120. Feeling the wife's hand on my arm when she climbs back into bed from being up with the baby.

121. A new wet calf floundering around in knee-high green grass.
122. One of those sharp, cold nights where the moon is shining as bright as day.

123. Being kissed by the best lookin' cowboy in the room as the guys head back out to work, and watching as he just puffs up and smirks while they tease him.

124. Nursing my babies.

125. The smell of gonna rain/just rained wet dirt.

126. Tripping over dogs who are sacked out after a long day's work.

127. Listening to my "babies" tell the judge about their bucket calves at the Fair.
128 Lessoning to the heavy rain on the Tin Hay Barn Roof with a loved one
129 The smells of Harvest
130 The smells of Ranching/Dairys/Farming
131 The Act of Birthing
132 Pregnant Females (Women, Sheep, Cows, Horses, Est.)
133 Watching a Bobcat teach her young to hunt
134 Stopping daily to talk to a Gavlin Hawk sitting on a fence post as I drive by (4' away)
135 Nature
136 Knowing and Accepting my limits
137 Learning
138 Laying in my bed roll – looking up at the night sky through Mountain Trees
139 The sight of a Plane or Satellite in that Mountain Night Sky
140 Feeling sorrow for City Dudes
141 Life – Knowing how lucky I am to have "Been There Done Most of These Things"
142 Getting a calf to tart sucking
Knowing this list will go on
143. Rope coming tight on a new saddle or for the first time on a green horse (and everything stays together)

144. All 4 shoes tacked on square and true despite the sore back.

145. Kicking pairs out on summer grass.

146. Having summer grass! :)
148. watching your 16 year old daughter hit the winning 3 point shot to win the basketball game....and have the guy sitting beside you remark "gee, wonder where she got it!"

149. the sight of your children sleeping sprawled out on the living room floor because they SIMPLY cannot leave the christmas tree all alone in the front room!!

150. Watching 8 puppies (6 weeks old now) come a running when they hear you holler "hey, guys! I got grub!"

151. Being woke up at 2 a.m. because the moon is so bright outside that your subconscious tells you that you have "slept in"

152. Good friends that you can feel are "family" even though you have never met them face-to-face........like all of you out there tonight on ranchers.net!!!
153 Riding a good horse across the prairie on a full moon night with a gentle warm breeze.

154 watching a calf nurse for the first time. All is well then.
155. Watching the ref raise your son's hand at a wrestleing meet.
156. Taking time to thank God for all your blessings.
157. Seeing the lights of hubby's simi coming down the road.
158. Watching my vary old horse take a snow bath.
159. Christmas lights.
162. Being able to say that yes we got the pickup and horsetrailer stopped after blowing a tire at 75 miles an hour on the interstate while passing a semi, and knowing that GOD had a hand in that one.
163. Knowing that when you get home that it is GREAT to be alive.

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