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Warning to Bar-B-Quers

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Well-known member
Feb 10, 2005
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I hear on the radio the other day that there are warnings out to everyone to watch their Bar-B-que brushes and make sure you wipe down your grill if you us a wire brush to clean it. There has been three people taken to hospitals to have the small metal bristles taken out of their throats. They said the bristles break off and stick to the grill and then when you grill your meat they transfer to the meat and you eat them. If they get caught in the throat you wind up in the hospital to have them taken out. So just to be safe they say you should aways wipe your grill down with a cloth or one of those BarBque pads so you get rid of the bristles.
I got the same warning via e-mail from the manufacturer of our 6 month old grill!!! Thanks for printing this, Tam!! Hope everyone heeds the warning!!!!
ranchwife said:
I got the same warning via e-mail from the manufacturer of our 6 month old grill!!! Thanks for printing this, Tam!! Hope everyone heeds the warning!!!!
Our kids gave us one of those new porcelain grills as a gift so we can't use the old wire brush. We can only use the new fiber pads on it. When I heard it I could see where it could happen and I sure would hate to see anyone having to have that removed. I was sewing one day and I had a habit of putting the pins in my month and when I poked myself with one pin I sucked the other one into my throat. I thought I was going to hurt my throat coughing but it finally came up. I don't know what would have happened if it hadn't as we live 35 miles from the hospital. I learned my lesson never to hold the extra pins in my month. I can imagine a bristle would do the same thing.

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