You do have to admit bldg. 7 came down just like one of the controlled implosions you see on tv. At least that's how it looked in the film I saw. It seems it should have fallen unevenly if damage was basically to one side. The guest never laid blame on anyone, just that his findings warranted further investigations.
the points have been researched nd explained often...
Building 7 contained a cantilevered design, and straddled huge fuel tanks and a substation...
Conspiracy sites like to bring up the 'Symmetric Collapse' of building 7 and claim that the building should have fallen over to the south. They show grainy, dark photos of debris piles which were taken well after 9/11 and a debris pile with a grayish, smoky image of building 7 in the background. They deceptively show the north side which was relatively free of damage. As if the Tower should have reached over to the other side of the building and damaged that side too.
Here is what the debris pile looked like just after 9/11
This evidence supports the NIST contention that the building collapse progressed from the penthouse out as columns were weakened by the fires. The slow sinking of the penthouses, indicating the internal collapse of the building behind the visible north wall, took 8.2 seconds according to a NIST preliminary report. Seismograph trace of the collapse of WTC 7 indicates that parts of the building were hitting the ground for 18 seconds. This means the collapse took at least 18 seconds, of which only the last approximately 15 seconds are visible in videos
it is hard to believe that someone would just investigate "part" of what was claimed.. without looking just as hard at the opposing views..
I have read most of what the conspiracy theorists claimed and have not found any credible evidence put forward that can't be explained..
as for the high temp fire.. and the claim of thermite being used..
Thermite is a material used in welding to melt metals together. It burns at around 2200° C and can melt through most metals.
Obtain iron oxide (rust), aluminum, and a thin strip of magnesium. The iron oxide and aluminum will react to form thermite, while the magnesium will serve as the ignition material.
so if you take one airplane.. aluminum and magnesium.. and slam it into a concrete and rusty steel building.. you get a disaster of science..
Flame temperatures of magnesium and magnesium alloys can reach 3,100 °C (3,370 K; 5,610 °F),
. Steel often melts at around 1370 degrees C (2500°F).
not sure how many times this needs to be gone over..
now on to the 2200 architects and engineers
I guess I could spend all night finding drugged out architects and engineers that might believe anything.. or who would argue a point just to argue...
I know of one engineer who I avoid as much as possible.. how the guy "earned" two phd's is beyond me... because he can't seen to find a job doing anything... (well any job that requires a drug or background test)