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Watched bred cows sell today


Well-known member
Mar 23, 2005
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I don't think I would have been real happy if I were a seller today. There was though a popping set of first calf heifers there that did well, averaged $1575 I think. They were from a reputation herd dispersal, Simmie RA cross bred RA.
I ended up collecting 10 younger Simmie cows bred RA (big girls, but they should make some nice replacement heifers.) Steer calves from these cows brought over $1000 this fall so if they can repeat the $1245 I paid for them won't look too bad.
I'm kinda ashamed of myself though, I also bought 4 good looking RA cows bred with their second calves.... but bred to Black Angus :shock: I figure I can peddle the calves next fall and breed them back right and have some good young cows going forward though :lol:
On a positive (I think) note, I did buy a couple of Blonde cows for $1075 and those may have been the deal of the day.... I'll know better in a few years :wink:
....and as of today I finished my mini buying spree by making a deal with Dad for 6 2nd calvers. Bred right with the right due dates, and pretty well acclimatized to the area :wink:
Oh, and trucking is pretty reasonable on this bunch too
Silver said:
....and as of today I finished my mini buying spree by making a deal with Dad for 6 2nd calvers. Bred right with the right due dates, and pretty well acclimatized to the area :wink:
Oh, and trucking is pretty reasonable on this bunch too

sounds like a win/win :D
Glad to hear you ventured on the "dark side" a little bit too :P Sounds like you got some good deals. And you never know, the red cows might have red calves if you're lucky!
You can buy good middle age medium bred cows (March Calving) all day long in Texas for $825-$875. Still a buyers market on cows here.
nortexsook said:
You can buy good middle age medium bred cows (March Calving) all day long in Texas for $825-$875. Still a buyers market on cows here.

Heck of a bargain compared to northern prices. Big question is what kind of cows and would they fit a guy's herd? Let's say I wanted to buy predominantly Angus cows with no ear. Good quality, middle of the road cows. Do those exist down there and do they fall into that price range? Sounds tempting but not without risk and unknowns.
High Plains said:
nortexsook said:
You can buy good middle age medium bred cows (March Calving) all day long in Texas for $825-$875. Still a buyers market on cows here.

Heck of a bargain compared to northern prices. Big question is what kind of cows and would they fit a guy's herd? Let's say I wanted to buy predominantly Angus cows with no ear. Good quality, middle of the road cows. Do those exist down there and do they fall into that price range? Sounds tempting but not without risk and unknowns.

The short answer is YES. The only question would be acclimation. Might not be the best time to ship that direction. Most cattle here are now predominately black and if not full English a very high percentage English, or English/Exotic cross. The days of high Brahman influence are over (at least in this part of Texas and Oklahoma).

Here are some cows my Dad is selling on Craigs List and only because he wants $875. These cattle would bring $775-$800 at the sale barn. They are straight Angus. They are 7 years old. Red cattle would sell for even less here.

See now I would buy those cows but the $200+ a head trucking just kills the bargain. Don't have a home for a pot and the trucking bill makes the price on the small lots just as expensive as cows around here that don't ahve to acclimate
Well, the freight addition still makes those cows priced nicely compared to Nebraska, if they were the same quality and could acclimate. Don't know that I'm brave enough on the latter point. My cow numbers are small potatoes and I need quality and no hickups. Can't afford mistakes.

I was hoping to get into just very few middle-aged high quality bred Angus cows for under $1,500. They sold commercial young cows at the Summitcrest dispersal in Grand Island, NE a couple of weeks ago for $1,900 a round. :shock: I'm not having any of that. :? If they wean a $900 calf next fall that would take some of the sting out of it, but still... That's out of control and not an investment I can get ready for.
Yep. Lock, stock and barrell. Selling the Ohio herd real soon in a dispersal too. Family splitting up the assets and re-tooling, I guess.

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