Some of our Herdsires
And Two sons
A Black Max Bull
1 day pre-weaning
Weaned - the Ch calves are from some bred cows we bought last December
Angus Calves we weaned a few days earlier
Clamp fence we just built...very inexpensive, very fast, very strong and no welding.
The oldest calves were 194 days when we weaned. The average age was right around 170. We have about 4 light weights, so are very pleased.

And Two sons

A Black Max Bull

1 day pre-weaning

Weaned - the Ch calves are from some bred cows we bought last December

Angus Calves we weaned a few days earlier

Clamp fence we just built...very inexpensive, very fast, very strong and no welding.

The oldest calves were 194 days when we weaned. The average age was right around 170. We have about 4 light weights, so are very pleased.