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What happened to the ground at the Spanish Fork Rodeo?

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Faster horses

Well-known member
Feb 11, 2005
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NE WY at the foot of the Big Horn mountains
The barrel racers were very cautious. One horse jumped the mess in the middle of the barrels.
It must be from all the rain they had. I've never seen an arena so bad. I didn't get to watch the steer wrestling
or much of the calf roping. I think it was mentioned here that the dogging was interesting to watch.
I didn't watch it last night. The night before it looked like several inches of standing water in most of the arena. The barrel racers just jogged around. Haley Kinsel didn't ride Sister. She had another horse that she was a blazing 46 seconds on. Better than paying a turn out fine for not running. In the steer wrestling Tyler Waginspeck (sp) was about 5.4 which put him in the middle of a pond. He looked completely soaked. He just laid there for a minute. A couple bull riders and bull fighter got run over because it was too deep to move in.
This is what happens when it rains in a place that isn't used to having much. That arena is surrounded by parking lots and fair grounds. There isn't anywhere for it to drain off into. I ride there a few times when a slicker woulda come in handy

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