when I filled the silo this fall I was thinking that $3.50 corn is not too bad of a deal, then as it hit $5 I was thinking about parking the semi next to the silo and fishing out the kernals of corn to haul to town!!
$6 dollar corn looks VERY attractive to me. It will drag the milo price right up there with it, it will pull a lot of acres out of alfalfa production, thus driving that price up, and it will make my cash flow look a lot better than it has in years.
sad part is the down side. fertilizer is skyrocketing, land rent is out of touch, and we have guys who had corn stolen right out of the bins. 3 a.m. corn loading in town would be a bit easy to catch, but the guy lost over 10 thousand bushels, and no one saw or heard a thing !
there is a LOT of outside money being dumped into agriculture. we have guys now that are farming for "sugar daddies" and they drive the land price and the rent way out of reach for people who want to make a living on the land. one guy in particular is giving $200 and acre for irrigated land and $50 and acre for grass.