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When it comes to the collapse of the US.......


Well-known member
Apr 12, 2008
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real world
......which Country would you re-locate to?

What Is The Best Country In The World For Americans To Relocate To In Order To Avoid The Coming Economic Collapse?

Millions of American citizens have already left the United States in search of a better life. As the economy continues to crumble and as our society slowly falls apart, millions of others are thinking about it. But moving to another country is not something to be done lightly. The reality is that there are a vast array of social, cultural, economic and safety issues to be considered. If you have never traveled outside of North America, then you have no idea how incredibly different life in other parts of the world can be. For those that are unfamiliar with international travel, it can be quite a shock to suddenly be immersed in a foreign culture. In fact, no matter how experienced you are, choosing to relocate to a new country is never easy. But things have gone downhill so dramatically in the United States that picking up and moving to a foreign nation is being increasingly viewed as a viable alternative by millions of Americans. A lot of people have decided that they simply do not want to be in the United States when the excrement hits the fan. So what is the best country in the world for Americans to relocate to in order to avoid the coming economic collapse?



*According to one recent survey, "the percentage of Americans aged 25 to 34 actively planning to relocate outside the U.S. has quintupled in just two years, from less than 1 percent to 5.1 percent."

*That same survey found that 40 percent of all Americans in the 18 to 24 age group are expressing interest in relocation outside of the United States. Two years ago that figure was only at 15 percent.

Seems obama is doing a bang up job, eh?
Funny thing I was talking to a teacher at work and he was talking how NM is soft on inmates LOL He said he wished union county would join Texas cuz then it would be better and safer. I said I am waiting on Texas to suceed and laughing hoping he thought i was being funny. He stops and looks at me in all serious says its coming faster than you know. WOW
So I guess I will stay in my new country of Texas LOL Shoer keeps saying he will go back to his mother country of Idaho.
SO I guess we are going to stay and fight. This is MY COUNTRY and I will do nothing less than the founding fathers did to form this country, in order to save it.
"...there is no more new frontier, we have got to make it here..."

Do you notice how we have people move here or even from other states that are nothing more than a hell hole. The first thing they do when they get here is try to change their new state or country into the hell hole they just left.
Larrry said:
Do you notice how we have people move here or even from other states that are nothing more than a hell hole. The first thing they do when they get here is try to change their new state or country into the hell hole they just left.


And for some reason Montana puts them on boards. City boards,
county boards, school boards, state boards, legislature............. :???:
Larrry said:
Do you notice how we have people move here or even from other states that are nothing more than a hell hole. The first thing they do when they get here is try to change their new state or country into the hell hole they just left.

not unlike agricultural areas. They move out from the city knowing that it is a farming/ranching community and then complain about the odors, dust, noise and farm equipment afterwards.

"Well when I bought that parcel beside the feedlot, I wasn't aware that it would smell like manure 24/7. Is there anyway we can get the zoning laws changed so he has to shutdown?" :lol:
this county used to be rural, and a nice place to raise a family.. but in the last twenty years I have seen so much development and change that it is now not much different then the rest of the state..

I was asked this many years ago...

"When I moved here it was pretty farmland, now the place is getting crowded,.. can't we make a law to keep them from moving here? "

I looked at her and shook my head in disbelief,,, and said.. "yep,.. but it's to late".. .and walked away... do you think she understood my point?
burnt said:
"...there is no more new frontier, we have got to make it here..."


I am not sure where I would draw my line in the dirt and make a stand.. but I am not leaving..

years ago when I heard words attributed to Patton's .. about dieing for your country.. "I want you to remember that no bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor, dumb bastard die for his country"

and in any situation where it was proposed that we give in to defeat these words come back to me...

it isn't about our leaving.. it would be about making them so darn uncomfortable that they left.. I will never leave my country..
hypocritexposer said:
......which Country would you re-locate to?

What Is The Best Country In The World For Americans To Relocate To In Order To Avoid The Coming Economic Collapse?

Millions of American citizens have already left the United States in search of a better life. As the economy continues to crumble and as our society slowly falls apart, millions of others are thinking about it. But moving to another country is not something to be done lightly. The reality is that there are a vast array of social, cultural, economic and safety issues to be considered. If you have never traveled outside of North America, then you have no idea how incredibly different life in other parts of the world can be. For those that are unfamiliar with international travel, it can be quite a shock to suddenly be immersed in a foreign culture. In fact, no matter how experienced you are, choosing to relocate to a new country is never easy. But things have gone downhill so dramatically in the United States that picking up and moving to a foreign nation is being increasingly viewed as a viable alternative by millions of Americans. A lot of people have decided that they simply do not want to be in the United States when the excrement hits the fan. So what is the best country in the world for Americans to relocate to in order to avoid the coming economic collapse?



*According to one recent survey, "the percentage of Americans aged 25 to 34 actively planning to relocate outside the U.S. has quintupled in just two years, from less than 1 percent to 5.1 percent."

*That same survey found that 40 percent of all Americans in the 18 to 24 age group are expressing interest in relocation outside of the United States. Two years ago that figure was only at 15 percent.

Seems obama is doing a bang up job, eh?

wasn't there talk like this back when carter was president?

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