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Where oh where is Casa Paloma?

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Big Muddy rancher said:
Hey TTB you have been pretty quiet as well. Hope your summer is going great :!: :cowboy:

Hi BMR and everyone else! Sorry I haven't been around much---been really busy-on the go, judging some shows, helping 4-H kids with some livestock projects, and getting ready for state fair-we'll be heading up to Minot early Monday and be there all week-I can't believe summer is almost over. One of the 4-H kids I've been helping commented he'd better his school supplies bought because school starts in less than 3 weeks. Where has time gone this summer?

I'll try and post some more when I get back from fair-might have a little more time.

I hope you're getting a little rain Big Muddy--we could sure use some. I left Bismarck last night just as they got pounded with a huge storm-lots of hail damage (hail between golf and baseball size,) tree damage, and downed power lines--when I left it was raining so hard that I could not see the road and water from both road ditches was running back over the road. Glad I missed the hail-I've had enough car damage this year from hitting pheasants and wild turkeys!

Cheers everyone, and stay cool--

TTB :lol:

PS I sure hope Paloma is just having computer trouble or something like that, and it's not more serious
Appreciate the concern but I haven't jumped ship just yet. I've been extremely busy helping one of my twins and his wife move from Arizona to Texas and in getting their new place set up to run some cattle. Can't remember when I've had so much fun building fences, clearing pastures, building sheds, going to the cattle auctions, etc. Now that he is just about settled, I need to work on the other three boys and get them moved out here. The one that just moved said instead of worrying about shutting the border with Mexico, we should be worried about shutting the border with California and keeping those yuppies fenced in on the west coast.

My wife is in Arizona now visiting with her mother and can't wait to get back to this hot/humid Texas. She said the traffic out there is horrid and they are building new freeways everywhere to handle the influx of the Californians and Yankees. New big businesses are everywhere and plenty of jobs, thus an influx of immigrants.

Driving down to Austin airport to pick her up on Wednesday. Sure have missed her around here - the house is a mess, so I'd better get busy and clean up. Even the dogs have missed her. They come in and go from room to room looking for her.

First for me, I've been seeing pheasant in the fields and yesterday saw a small flock of turkey in the woods behind the house. Didn't think we had either in this neck of the woods. Kinda nice to see them.

Just contracted with a neighbor for hay. He harvests about 100 acres and he fills my barn with square bales. Will cost me more than I care to mention, but I don't have to haul it or stack it.

Hopefully, I will be back in full swing once this week is over and things settle down around here.

Again, appreciate the concern.
Casa, thanks for the glimpse into what is happening in other areas of the world.

Lots of freeways going up because there is big businss going in you say?
Gosh, post that where disagreeable can see it.

Glad you are enjoying yourself and glad to have you back.
Casa Paloma said:
worrying about shutting the border with Mexico, we should be worried about shutting the border with California and keeping those yuppies fenced in on the west coast.

I agree - The Golden State Should Have Fenced It's-Self Off from the other (then 47) in the Dust Bowl Days. - When you called us "Prune Pickers", "Hay Balers" (What Were You Think-inn :!: )

what was the song - - Dear Oakie, if you see Arkie tell him Tex-as has found-a-job - Out in California - just a picken-up-Prunes And Balen Hay :!: (What Were They Think-inn :!: )

It started with the 49'ers - come to California - pick our Gold - Get a "365 Tan" - Call us Names - Leave - Come Back With Your Tail Between Your Legs saying (WHAT WAS I Think- inn :!: )

It's funny how other state's "Best, Finest, & Smartest" see the Light - move to Sunny California - "BITCH" all the time their gettin Rich - take their money and move back to Tex-as and are back in 2 or 3 months saying (What Was I Think-inn :!: ) :roll: :shock: 8)
Casa Paloma said:
Appreciate the concern but I haven't jumped ship just yet. I've been extremely busy helping one of my twins and his wife move from Arizona to Texas and in getting their new place set up to run some cattle. .

Arizona to Texas? hey could be the same place if there in the right area of Texas. Otherwise, great move! Hope all is well with them and with you.! I bet it is!
Didn't mean to offend you Old Dog. Those prune pickers that moved out there to get rich and didn't and now are looking for greener pastures in Arizona are the ones he is complaining about. Heck, I still have a son in Southern California and don't believe he will ever move out, and the sons in Arizona still vacation in San Diego. His complaint and the complaint of most Arizonians is those moving to Arizona were complaining about the politics in California and now after living in Arizona for a couple of years are trying to change the politics there. They are selling their over-inflated homes in California and snatching up all the available land in Arizona at inflated rates and the builders are putting up structures all over the desert to accommodate them. The only problem being that there is not enough water available for all the development. My youngest son just sold his house for $250K and it sold in one day for $50K more than he was asking for it. He only paid $95K for the house five years ago. The same is happening around Las Vegas. My sister-in-law sold her house in Las Vegas for a ton and has moved back to Phoenix to a condo she has owned for years. The sudden influx of new people is one of the factors that helped me decide to move from the area when I retired finally.

California is a beautiful state and the weather is probably the best of anywhere in the U.S., but the liberal politics and policies were more than I could stand in San Diego, so I sold out and moved to Arizona. Now, Arizona is getting the California backlash.

I'll visit there, spend my money there, enjoy the weather there, might even pick a few prunes, but I'd never move back there.
Casa, Your avatar looks like you ate too many prunes :!: :!: :!: :wink:
Wish you were coming for the get together in September... I'm still trying to get over that tazer story....
This brings up another of the old crew that is missing-- certq-- I just exchanged some e-mails with her last night after she emailed me to tell me how the border collie pup she got from me was working....

She says that after the switch over to the new board she never could get the website back....
Oldtimer said:
This brings up another of the old crew that is missing-- certq-- I just exchanged some e-mails with her last night after she emailed me to tell me how the border collie pup she got from me was working....

She says that after the switch over to the new board she never could get the website back....

Does certq know how to find the website now?
Faster horses said:
Thanks for the update, OT.

I have been wondering about certq. I was gonna ask about her from time to time, but guess what?

I couldn't remember her name!

BTW, how is the pup doing? Give us a report.

She says he is doing good--He'll be about a year old in October and is working ....She said they gathered and moved to video and would have never got it accomplished without the dogs-- Said the pup will no longer run from the old cows that take him- he turns and goes right back after them...Her concern was he is so thin-- I told her not to worry because he takes after Jud- his dad- can't put a pound on him- I think they just run it all off...

I used Jud yesterday in moving some pairs and hopefully bred heifers down to the community pasture - Penny is out of action with another wounded leg (not sure if it was barbed wire or a coyote- vet had to put in a bunch of stitches)....I always love it when an old cow thinks she is boss and takes him- he'll drop back a little- until he can get behind her and then he shows her who's boss... Sure made the job job a lot easier .......Temp only got up to about 68 so made it easier on all of us...

nr- certq said she never could get it back....Must be that desolate part of Wyoming.........

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