Sandhusker said:Brad S said:Hay Maker, you miss the point with your question on who won. This war was fought on Canadian soil so there was no winning for the Canadians.
SURVIVAL is all the Canadians ever wanted, well they may have victory in time to survive. Unfortunately many banks will use better prices as an opportunity to close out nonperforming accounts.
I don't usually criticize RCALF very much because I think most members are hard working producers that are misled or misunderstand, but I'll never understand standing on someone's throat that is just trying to provide for their family.
In every organization there a few vocal radicals. R-CALF has a few that have a vendetta against Canada, but I can assure that the vast majority of R-CALF members do not. R-CALF's actions concerning the border are NOT aimed at the Canadian producers, but rather the $%^# dang USDA and *^&^ing packer partnership that is threatening US producers.
If you look at who had the boot on Canadian's throats, you'll notice the initials AMI. Who made a killing paying next to nothing for Canadian fats and while shipping the beef South for record prices? Randy K has asked many times how the price of 70 cents was set and I don't think his question has ever been aswered. R-CALF didn't set that price.
Can you please explain to us Sandhusker how we are to believe you when you say
When R-CALF stood hand in hand with anti beef groups and told everyone that would listen that Canadian beef was tainted and unsafe while they claimed the US beef was the safest in the World. That Canada was still processing downers and the US doesn't. That Canada wasn't testing nearly enough cattle when we were testing a high percentage than the US was, of a higher risk cattle. That the Canadian feed ban is being violated because some birds got into some feed samples the CFIA was checking. That Canadian standards aren't as high as the US's when we all know we have stricter rules as we don't feed chicken litter to our cattle. I am personally sick of listening to R-CALF claim their fight isn't with the Canadian producers then they turn around and make up another lie about our system. How does lieing about and trying to destroy the Canadian beef industry help you in your fight with the USDA?R-CALF's actions concerning the border are NOT aimed at the Canadian producers,