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who would have thought


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2006
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Must have been talking to one of our posters before making that statement

WASHINGTON (AP) — A top White House adviser is blaming the downgrade of the U.S. credit rating on tea party Republicans, whom he says were unwilling to compromise on how to reduce the federal debt.
The adviser to President Barack Obama, David Axelrod, tells CBS' "Face the Nation" on Sunday that the decision by the Standard & Poor's credit agency to downgrade the U.S. from AAA to AA+ for the first time was strongly influenced by weeks of standoff between Democrats and Republicans over the debt.
Axelrod calls the action, in his words, "a tea party downgrade" and says it's clearly on the backs of lawmakers who were willing to see the country default to get their way.
Axelrod also criticized GOP presidential candidates for not speaking up in favor of compromise.
It is surprising, how many apparant idiots we have in this country. We are spending to much money, we are going deeper and deeper in debt.

Anyone who has been in business and has borrowed money knows when our debt get to high the banks are more reluctant to loan you money.

I am not exactly a tea party enthusiast, but I believe the tea party people want to see or tax money spent where it will be the most produtive, where our country as a whole will receive the most benefit. I don't know the answer, but it seems we are investing in to many dead end, dead beat programs. We need to take a different look at them.
This is what you get when you don't hold somebody responsible for their actions. Obama and the Dems has been given a pass and has been allowed to blame all their failures on Bush up until now. But they can't blame this issue on Bush with any credibility so they picked the next target, The Tea Party. What I don't understand is how stupid are these people that they refuse to learn their lessons? They demonized the Tea Party at every turn during the last election cycle and what good did it do them. THEY LOST THE HOUSE AND THEIR SUPER MAJORITY IN THE SENATE. They can not seem to realize the Tea Party is a movement of ALL voters Democrats, Republicans and more important the INDEPENDANCES that are sick of the out of control spending. The Washington elite blaming them and calling them terrorists, hostage takers and to stupid to know what is good for them and their families is just building in their numbers and AFFECT ON THE NEXT ELECTION. :roll:

There needs to be TEA Party ads all over the US during this next election that tell voters that to the Dems American voters wanting Fiscal Responsiblity in Washington are TERRORISTS AND HOSTAGE TAKERS yet those wishing to kill innocent American citizens are just poor misunderstood foreigners just looking for respect from their peers. :mad:

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