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"why is my paycheck less this week"

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Apr 12, 2008
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That would be because we have a horribly sorry excuse for a president in place, & a congress that looks dumber by the day. The 2% Payroll tax reduction for Social Security was a stupid idea in the 1st place.
It sorta makes me laugh. The liberals are now complaining because the tax to pay for their Social security trust fund has reverted back to where it was supposed to be.

I know, I know, I complained a couple of days ago that I would be assessed another tax on my 2011 capital gains and interest income that would be taken from my 2013 Social Security each month to pay Medicare, Medicaid, and Obamacare.
It sorta makes me laugh. The liberals are now complaining because the tax to pay for their Social security trust fund has reverted back to where it was supposed to be.

I know, I know, I complained a couple of days ago that I would be assessed another tax on my 2011 capital gains and interest income that would be taken from my 2013 Social Security each month to pay Medicare, Medicaid, and Obamacare.
Earlier this week, many Americans realized the "fair share" fiscal cliff deal didn't seem so fair. One Democratic Underground commenter was a little behind yesterday and was shocked — shocked! — to learn that the fiscal cliff crapwich didn't extend the payroll tax holiday.

The price for having your head in the sand just went up. bit.


As the first pay period of 2013 comes to a close, employers are being forced to ring in the new year by explaining why their employees' checks are smaller.

it sure would be easy for me to explain to them... :? but they might not like the answer..

(if you voted for Obama just be glad you still have a paycheck for now)...
I'm like Clarence-- this sorta made me laugh... I never heard a one of this current beeching crew come out against GW and the Repub controlled Congress when they ran up much of this debt warmongering- and building GW Bush superhighways/Bridges in the sand - putting most of it on a credit card----


now that they are being asked to pay the bills their goodoldboys ran up playing policemen of the world -- they are crying and whining and want to reneg on the deal.... :wink: :lol: :(
they are crying and whining

Actually we are laughing at the dumb liberals who are shocked by reality of the tax increase...

we all saw it coming... it was no surprise for many on this board.. but those darn liberals who voted and went back to praising Obama will now see how deceitful he and the democrats are... :lol: :p
Steve said:
they are crying and whining

Actually we are laughing at the dumb liberals who are shocked by reality of the tax increase...

we all saw it coming... it was no surprise for many on this board.. but those darn liberals who voted and went back to praising Obama will now see how deceitful he and the democrats are... :lol: :p

Can you show me where any liberals on this board said they were not aware of the Social Security payroll tax going back on? Or any changes in the taxes for that matter?

Instead of all the moaning and groaning and hoping the country fails-- I would think you would be enjoying the fact you now can inherit/be gifted $5.12 million from each parent without paying inheritance/gift taxes on it- so now can inherit your $10.24 million parents ranch... And depending upon the number of folks in your immediate family- your parents can gift your family up to $112,000 this year (and every year now since the fiscal cliff bill made this permanent) or $14,000 per individual - and that doesn't count toward the $10.24 million lifetime amount... This should help many farm/ranch families estate planning...
Or maybe you truly aren't ranch folk worrying about keeping the ranch in the family :???:
Instead of all the moaning and groaning and hoping the country fails-- I would think you would be enjoying the fact you now can inherit/be gifted $5.12 million from each parent without paying inheritance/gift taxes on it- so now can inherit your $10.24 million parents ranch... And depending upon the number of folks in your immediate family- your parents can gift your family up to $112,000 this year (and every year now since the fiscal cliff bill made this permanent) or $14,000 per individual - and that doesn't count toward the $10.24 million lifetime amount... This should help many farm/ranch families estate planning...

Or maybe you truly aren't ranch folk worrying about keeping the ranch in the family

yes I am thankful the the estate tax exemption was continued.. and the conservative fought hard to keep that.. but the tax itself still went up...

I wasn't able to inherit anything.. but a bill.. most of the family farm was sold in the eighties... most went to the bank and estate taxes took care of anything left.. what was left wasn't worth much but we have been able to grow it a bit over the last decade or two.. and we have already made provisions for what we have and own to pass when we are still here to help our son...

I may not be a rancher.. but it is still wrong to take what a person and family puts so much into.. only to see a large part of it go to pay a tax.

sure is awful nice of them to let us keep a little (sarcasm)

the bill had some good points.. but it is not what the liberals sold it as...
OK, lets agree they made a reasonable compromise on the estate tax.
Now lets get rid of the capital gain tax. Inflation has pretty well wiped or offset any benefit from capital gains. What I earned and paid taxes on in 2008 and the years before will not buy anything near today what it did then.

Inflation is a tax on everyone, it hits the small wage earner the hardest.
I was always a farmer and a rancher, I did not have stocks and bonds. My saving were what I saved back to increase my cow herd, and to make payments for land, and other assets. Yes these have increased in value, but their value sure disappears fast today.

My Capital Gains have been taxed three, maybe four times already.
oldtimers usual response........BLAME BUSH...
That record is stuck oldtimer,,,,,better change it :roll: :roll: :roll:
Oldtimer said:
I'm like Clarence-- this sorta made me laugh... I never heard a one of this current beeching crew come out against GW and the Repub controlled Congress when they ran up much of this debt warmongering- and building GW Bush superhighways/Bridges in the sand - putting most of it on a credit card----


now that they are being asked to pay the bills their goodoldboys ran up playing policemen of the world -- they are crying and whining and want to reneg on the deal.... :wink: :lol: :(

Unfortunately it is NOT being used to pay the bills. It will be spent by Buckwheat to fund PART of his plans. Few would be unhappy if it were actually applied to existing debt.

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