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Wild colors of horses, some I had never seen

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Toilet Paper has a Bend or Spot on his left butt cheek.

Then there's one color marking that I don't see on this page....similar to the bloody shoulder marking only it's on a sorrel horse....rear hip and down it's leg....looks like someone spilled bleach on him and he's kinda white. This is a horse that a girl we barrel race with runs.

I sorta like those brindle striped ones. :wink:
Send the site a pic of the horses. She said she is always looking for new variations.
What I found troubling is the new markings in Argentina they are saying are environmental. Why do we always blame the "environment" when we dont really know why.
How much is human intrervention in all the new colors? LOL I would hate to have to study for the horse judging in todays world.
Have you ever seen a horse that's recovered from a really bad case of rain rot? I've seen several over the years that look like lightening on their rumps.
The kind of lightenin that crackles thru the sky covering large area...not just one lightenin bolt. It's kinda neat looking...but knowin what caused it...not so neat.
Can you think of another animal with such color variations as horses?

I've often thought about that. Wild animals all tend to look alike. Domesticated animals have many breed variations, such as in cattle, dogs, cats, etc. Each breed has it's own color or markings that distinguish that breed from the others, but I don't think there is other animal that can challenge the horse for it's seemingly unlimited variations in color and markings.

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