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Trinity man

Well-known member
Feb 12, 2009
Reaction score
Guy Store, Texas
These thing are coming to close to home now. We was at the in-laws this weekend and today on our way home there was a fire about 10 miles south of house that had I-45, US75 and a FM road close down. The local tv station said on the radio that our town was being evacuated. So I kick the old truck up a gear and call the Sheriff department and founded out that the tv station was wrong and the fire was moving the other way. But the air around here is very very smokey. I wish we could pump some of that water some of you have down here. :(

Now as I type this the fire has turn and now moving our way. So I best get the old water hoses out and start watering everything around here. Later. :shock:
Best of luck to you and everyone down there dealing with this right now. Keep us posted when you have the chance.
Here's a link that shows where the fires are and the smoke plumes. On the right side if you click "fires" it'll come up if it doesn't automatically.

These wildfires are bad. So many pop up but THANK GOD for the firemen and towns people they get them contained. I know the NM clayton National Guard has been activated in order to fight fires.
Sending prayer to all in the area of these fires.
The fire to the south of us....started by a man bbq'n father's day dinner....is pretty much contained. (LOL shoulda let his wife cook it for him) But alot still burning out in the middle of it. The friends that we have with this fire told me this morning that their new house and barns have been spared....but it's burnt right up to the house. They built their house in a tin building. That may be all that saved them.

The fire in Trinity man's neck of the woods is still goin. Haven't heard too much about it this morning....but the fire map shows it still goin. It was started by a wheel baring that went out on a trailer..so I've been told. That may or may not be fact.

Im sure I will get more info when Mr. Lilly gets home from work. Alot of the guys he works with live in that area.
the_jersey_lilly_2000 said:
Anyone heard anything out of Trinity man today? Keepin them in our prayers.....

I just got home from the ranch a little bit ago and I could see the glow of the fires to our south and smell the smoke pretty strong. Its still in Walker Co from what we been hearing (about 10-15 mile away). We don't have very much grass left to burn around here, its most dirt. All the grass has been dead for sometime. The ranch is about 20 miles north by the crow flies and it better there, but not by much. I sure pray these rains the weathermen are telling us about aren't just pulling our legs are we will be pulling their heads. :wink:
Here is a link to the fire department radio on the walker co fire to our south.


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