Trinity man
Well-known member
These thing are coming to close to home now. We was at the in-laws this weekend and today on our way home there was a fire about 10 miles south of house that had I-45, US75 and a FM road close down. The local tv station said on the radio that our town was being evacuated. So I kick the old truck up a gear and call the Sheriff department and founded out that the tv station was wrong and the fire was moving the other way. But the air around here is very very smokey. I wish we could pump some of that water some of you have down here.
Now as I type this the fire has turn and now moving our way. So I best get the old water hoses out and start watering everything around here. Later. :shock:

Now as I type this the fire has turn and now moving our way. So I best get the old water hoses out and start watering everything around here. Later. :shock: