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winning by cheating

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Well-known member
Feb 10, 2006
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eastern Montana
and his minions all say this is acceptable :?
so once again we have no choice and "the chosen one" is jammed down our throats. The elite will never learn and this play will cost us the presidential election. by doing this they overruled the will of the people and selected ( not elected) romney. this action says they would rather have obama as president
it is a "big tent" only if it is their way, if not they will take their tent and go home! well good luck with that- 4 more years of obama there will be lots more living in tents.
and all you mind dead minions can now come on here and tell us all that we need to pull behind romney or obama will win and it will be ouir fault.
BS- republican oligarchy needs to own this loss, they created it!

Mitt Romney's campaign and allies have effectively quelled the Ron Paul revolution at the Republican National Convention in Tampa. On Thursday, the 168-member Republican National Committee approved a report that invalidated Ron Paul's claim to a plurality of delegates in Maine. The RNC voted to split the at-large delegation in half. In order to be eligible for nomination for president, a candidate needs to have a plurality of delegates in five states. According to sources who spoke to the campaign, Ron Paul had five states, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Oregon, Oklahoma, and Maine. Without Maine, he now has four.

The RNC attempted to raise the number of states a plurality was needed in to 10 on Wednesday, but that amendment was denied. The attempted raise to 10 states angered many who claimed that the only reason the RNC would try this would be to block Ron Paul from possibly stealing the nomination at the convention. Despite that amendment being blocked, the RNC and Mitt Romney seem to have accomplished what they wanted.

By taking Maine away from Ron Paul, according to the Republican rules, Ron Paul is no longer eligible for nomination to be President of the United States. What remains to be seen is whether Ron Paul supporters will remain in the party after the RNC alienated their candidate. Many have expressed a desire to leave the party as soon as the convention is over, and this move by Romney's campaign and allies is not likely to keep them in the Republican Party.
oh I forgot to add the credits linking to this garbage!
would try this would be to block Ron Paul from possibly stealing the nomination at the convention

in my book both cheating and stealing are bad... and the crap the Paul supporters pulled shows they do not care about the ideals Paul claims to support OR THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE..

so really who is worse.. the elite for cheating or Paul and his supporters for cheating and stealing .. or attempting to steal.. but got caught..

at this point I have no sympathy for either side in this..

the Paul supporters tried to subvert the vote of the people ..

and the party elite have played into the ploy..

give the guy 15 minutes and a vote, he couldn't win the peoples vote then,... does anyone think a 15 minute speech will get him the nomination, let alone the election..

he lost both a long time ago,.. and his supporters are unable to see it... now he is just losing the respect of those who felt he made a lot of good points and should have some influence on the direction of our party.

if Paul somehow wins I will vote for the other loser Gary Johnson just to make a point... not really, by then I will realize my vote doesn't count for anything and just prepare for the worse... and invest in precious metals..
in case the PAUL SUPPORTERS didn't get this in grade school..

A person sent or authorized to represent others

Entrust (a task or responsibility) to another person

noun. representative

Not sure how Paul can lose almost every state yet still try to claim every delegate... who the hell does Paul think they are supposed to represent?

his self interests?
Ron Paul, who has not officially dropped his bid for the Republican presidential nomination, admitted to supporters in an email Wednesday he was not positioned to receive enough delegates to challenge Mitt Romney at the GOP convention in Tampa.

"When it is all said and done, we will likely have as many as 500 supporters as delegates on the Convention floor," the Texas congressman wrote. "That is just over 20 percent! And while this total is not enough to win the nomination, it puts us in a tremendous position to grow our movement and shape the future of the GOP!"

CNN currently estimates Paul to have the backing of 140 delegates. In May, Paul's campaign said it would shift its focus from competing in primary states to securing delegates at state party conventions ahead of the national Republican convention

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