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Wonder why ammo is difficult to obtain these days?

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Feb 11, 2005
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NE WY at the foot of the Big Horn mountains
This came in an email, so read at your own risk. :wink:

Thought you might like to know why ammo is getting more and more difficult to obtain these days.

Last lead smelting plant - gone.
All lead for bullets to come from overseas.

There are numerous alarming reasons why the US government and the military have been buying up all the ammo. Here's one of them. Obama and the EPA just shut down the last lead smelting plant in the US. They raised the EPA regulations by 10 fold and it would have cost the plant $100 million to comply. You can own all the guns you want, but if you can't get ammo, you are out of luck.

Remember when Obama promised his minions that he was working on gun control behind the scenes? Welcome to it. Now, all domestic mined lead ore will have to be shipped overseas, refined and then shipped back to the US. Not only will ammo now be even harder to come by, the demand and the process of supply will cause the price to skyrocket even more. And ponder this… there is an excellent chance that Obama will rig the market to where all ammo has to be purchased from a government entity instituting de facto ammo registration. So much for the Second Amendment. There has not been a peep about this in the major news outlets and it is done. With the US no longer producing lead, all supplies will now have to come from China, Australia or Peru, with the overwhelming emphasis on China. More redistribution of wealth; more economic and liberty crippling of the US on tap.

The asshats at the EPA (evil protection agency) had this to say:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency said the company "made a business decision" to shut down the smelter instead of installing pollution control technologies needed to reduce sulfur dioxide and lead emissions as required by the Clean Air Act.

The Doe Run Co. announced last year that it had dropped plans to build a new lead processing facility in Herculaneum that would have used a new, cleaner lead production technology. The company cited the $100 million project as too financially risky.

The EPA is playing Mafioso I guess — we didn't make them shut down, they made a business decision. In other words, they couldn't pay the extortion, so the thugs shut them down. I'm pretty sure that Americans are getting ready to make their own business decision regarding the Marxists and I don't think it will be pleasant. But Marxists will do or die and are doubling down on the destruction of energy in America, our way of life and the Constitution.

The smelting plant has known since 2010 this was coming. They couldn't stop it and no one else rose up to stop it either. The business had been in production for 120 years and now goes the way of our auto industry.

The military's obsession with ammo was related to security and supply. They knew this was coming too, so they bought up all they could get before the plug was pulled. Screw the average American. It's as Chris Muir said, he's not as worried about where the bullets will co me from, as much as how the government will deliver them and I'm right there with him on that one.

So, back door gun control is moving forward and while we are all distracted with shiny stuff, our Second Amendment rights are just about gone. Obama is one Marxist dictator who is savvy at political chess. He has flanked the Second Amendment. Now it's our move.

You can Google this if you don't believe it, or read this article: http://www.thenewamerican.com/usnews/constitution/item/16881-epa-closure-of-last-lead-smelting-plant-to-impact-ammunition-production
can the states rights be used to over ride the EPA??? I feel the EPA is too big for it britches, and needs reigned in.... if a few states would stand up and declare all EPA rules and regs null and void, and manage the system themselves, what could they do ???
jigs said:
can the states rights be used to over ride the EPA??? I feel the EPA is too big for it britches, and needs reigned in.... if a few states would stand up and declare all EPA rules and regs null and void, and manage the system themselves, what could they do ???

There are quite a few agencies that have no Constitutional authority...
stupid liberals..

gun owners should be genuinely concerned about ammunition costs skyrocketing due to the law recently signed by California Gov. Jerry Brown that bans lead ammo for hunting in the state.

The Golden State is always leading the country in inventing absurd gun-control laws based on junk science. This new statute is based on bogus claims: that lead ammunition kills off wildlife populations.

Read more: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2013/dec/2/obamas-epa-smelter-closing-will-not-affect-ammunit/#ixzz2mXxOspgl
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Game warden, "Did you shoot him?"

Hunter,. "Nope, he died of lead poisoning"

Game warden.. "OK,... I'll let the EPA know"

Hunter. "Thanks I'll "dispose of him for ya"

Game warden.. "well I'll see ya in a week or two when hunting season starts."

sure wish some of them had enough common sense to realize how stupid they are..
I really thought it was a federal law that no waterfowl could be harvested with anything but steel shot. I think that is how it is in TN.
TSR said:
I really thought it was a federal law that no waterfowl could be harvested with anything but steel shot. I think that is how it is in TN.

you have a few options now, hevi shot, steel bismuth ect.. but lead is outlawed for waterfowl.. has been since early 90's

and along with the ban has been an increase in cost to hunters.

you have to wonder if the idea is to save wildlife or just drive up costs..
my guess,.. the government is just making rules for the sake of making rules at this point..

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