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Well-known member
Jun 25, 2007
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cow country arizona
Finaly dried up enough i can trot out in the mornin and look at some water gaps so you all cross your fingers for me that most of them are still up and i dont have cattle scatterd all over the state of Arizona . Man i have had some rivers runnin thru this deal here latley . I was on top of a canyon the other day just after i had tied a cow down that had run off she wa sin the wrong pasture and i was huntin up a bull that was with her and it was blue skys but somewere up the country it was rainin like hell and that dry canyon bottom was probly 6 feet deep and runnin 50 miles an hour it was rollin boulders down thru there i wish i would have had a camera with me .
Well i was in luck i only had two water gaps out got them up, trailed up some cows put them back thru the fence , made a pretty good welty thru my country and everything is lookin good all my tanks are full of water and that good ole Arizona sun is shining and that feed is really growin . Found one cow struck by lightning and led her calf to the truck so now i got me a new pet , other than that things were lookin gooooooooood , horse was a little fresh this mornin too ha ha hadnt been road in a week . But i see some clouds off in the distance so i am in for another one i think .
We've had a lot of rain here the last few days, too......Saturday, measured 1.7" in the rain guage.......clouded up again this afternoon, lightening, thunder, the whole nine yards. Hope the guys are ok.....I always worry when they're out riding in lightening. Hubby had a close call (in the pre-me days) with lightening.......the story he tells sounds pretty scary. :shock:

But you're right.......the feed's coming on strong here, too!!!!! Looks great to peek out and see all that green, instead of that brownish yellow stuff we had here last month.

I always got tickled, when I told those flatlanders that they don't know what a flood is.......the water just gets higher and higher, not faster or more destructive like it does in our mountains. Back in Nov-Dec of 78, we had a massive flood in the creek we lived on........that water was 5-6' deep and washed from mountain to mountain.......heck of a lotta water headed to Arizona! It took out our road, electric & telephone lines........my baby brother (not quite a year old at the time) was not a happy camper. He liked his lights at night, and tv to watch sometimes. The sisters got stuck at Grandma's house from school, Dad was stranded at work, I would have been, but my boss said we couldn't do much in the rain we were having and sent me home. Dad waded in the shallows of the creek for about 4 miles, to get home......crazy stunt, but try telling him he should have gone to Grandma's with the sisters....... :roll: It was over a week before we had contact with the outside world, and had no idea he was headed home in that.....if he'd not showed up, no one would have known for a week that he was missing. :?

I mentioned that I wasn't all that impressed with the Mississippi when I went over it.......there were some folks that just got all high behind over that. Really, all it looked like to me, was a big ole mud puddle......you couldn't even see the water moving. :roll:
Ha ha yeah i hear ya about that floodin man it does wash some stuff away thats for sure , that water you guys had it probly hits the salt river some were over her ein az huh ? cause i know it runs over there in the gila somewere and all them creeks and stuff in the blue run into the salt i dont knwo how your guys country lays tho .
We're on the San Francisco (or Frisco) River here now.......Used to be where Mineral Creek and Silver Creek meet up, they are both tributaries of the Frisco, just further south. It empties into the Gila down around Clifton, I believe, though I've never really looked to see for sure. The Blue runs to the south, and the Frisco runs to the east (at least here) before it turns south.
well i am out of here no more this place for me ha ha i am movin on got me a another job lined up but i got about a month of doin nothin so i think i am gonna day work a little bit here and there shoe some horses go out to texas and see jerry and do some tradin and get him his leggins drink some beer and make an ass of myself ha ha ha .
Oh.............I see............... :oops:

Hence, the offer to come help with the cows while Hubby's doing his radiation........see? Ya only have to hit me over the head a few times before I get it........ :lol: :lol: :lol:
azcowpuncher said:
well i am out of here no more this place for me ha ha i am movin on got me a another job lined up but i got about a month of doin nothin so i think i am gonna day work a little bit here and there shoe some horses go out to texas and see jerry and do some tradin and get him his leggins drink some beer and make an ass of myself ha ha ha .


If you and Jerry should happen to end up this far North(Cody), I have plenty of bunk space. You are welcome anytime for that matter. Cold beer in the fridge. Take a picture of the leggins that you made Jerry and post it, if it isn't to much trouble.

you know i havent been to wyo since i was a button , i was born in rock springs wyo , my dad was workin for the black butte cola mine for a while . i might just take you up on that offer .
azcowpuncher said:
you know i havent been to wyo since i was a button , i was born in rock springs wyo , my dad was workin for the black butte cola mine for a while . i might just take you up on that offer .

We ain't that far east of Cody. Only 300 miles or so. :)

Swing this way on your way back down. I know you'd enjoy going south of here and driving thru' all them wheat fields in Kansas and Oklahoma, on your way back home. :D
Yeah jinglebob i might do that just make a big ole round trip out of it , i gotta shoe some horses and make some spendin cash ha ha . Yeah i iwll see if i can get a picture of them chaps i built him . I dont knwo why i said cola mine i meant coal mine ha ha . So anyway yeah i will try and figure out how much time i have to fool around and maybe see how things work out then .
yea being born in wyoming mekes him special
but ya'll know there are only 2 kinds of folks in this world
those of us who were born TEXANS and the rest of ya'll
and i would love to see a picture of those fine leggins you built for me az
until later
If you haven't been back to Rock Springs in awhile.....it's grown and in some not -so-good ways. Drugs there are HORRIBLE.

I worked a dino dig for 2 years out from there, near WarField Springs and we'd find old druggie junk strewn all about the road sides....pitiful.

That's one HUGE FRICKIN' mine!!!

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