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World Wide Code helps Trade Move

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Sarasota Florida
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Publishing Services Australia Pty Ltd
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Field to fork location codes needed
Monday 16 May 2005

Unlike the generalised ISO codes designed for multiple uses, a Property Identification Code (PIDC) is more comprehensive and inclusive, and defines all land and sea locations over the entire surface of the earth — including those areas that are not recognised or covered by the UN, argues the vendor of a global traceability system.
PIDC is ScoringSystem's patented international standard of location and property identification. Their link is www.scoringsystem.com/agri/
In today's global marketplace, any true traceability system must include all agricultural products to provide a true chain of custody with traceback and traceup throughout, say the company. This includes: fish from lakes, rivers, and oceans around the world; poultry ,beef ,pork,and hydroponics crops that may be raised in multi-story structures above ground; and wild mushrooms, truffles, and root vegetables that may be collected or harvested below ground. "
With the global trade in an increasing number of products from diverse locations around the globe, all worldwide agricultural sources must be identified with their unique PIDC of origin to ensure food safety," a spokesperson says. "Any complete and reliable international traceability system that is called upon to do such an important job must be based on a comprehensive location code, such as PIDC, to be effective. "Protection against bio-terrorism and accidental contamination of the world's food supply chain requires a site-specific recordkeeping system and worldwide traceback — with no exemptions."
With the speed DNA traceability is moving, won't geographical location soon be obsolete?
With the speed DNA traceability is moving, won't geographical location soon be obsolete?Murgen******Location of where the DNA has been collected and the pesonal records and who was responsable in collection along with the ID of enitity is paramont.RFID needs a code for what it is ,a pallet ,cow, pills,and etc.
Location of where the DNA has been collected and the pesonal records and who was responsable in collection along with the ID of enitity is paramont.RFID needs a code for what it is ,a pallet ,cow, pills,and etc.

This would all be on record with DNA collection and recording. Does it not come down to Informatics. What type of program does systemscoring have for total data collection?

Are RFID tags "writable" at present?
Informatics is focused on all aspects of computer graphics and multimedia, ASIC and FPGA-based architectures and design methodologies. These include high-level design, algorithm and system modelling, virtual electronic prototyping, virtual multimedia environments, virtual and augmented reality systems for data collection and reporting, and XML metadata schema design.

WHEW Murgen I about fell over on that word informatics, had to look it up .Here I am using the Scoringag .com web site every day and didn't realize all of that deep brainy stuff went into the SSI system just for my cattle herd.They say they cover every thing from Field to FORK.As for RFID tags I use AVID and a few Allflex and I don't know about writeable tags or what that is??
Porker, the tags we use in Canada are "read only" like some computer disks. They can not be written to, like adding birth date etc. So I was wondering if info. can be added, written to the RFID tags in the US.
Just curious......has USDA adopted officially ISO 11784 (RFID tag format) and 11785 9Reader Format) ?
OH, by the way ISO-ANNEX A states that all readers must read ALL Tags...........15 digit, 10 digit(FECAVA) tags.9 digit. Unfortunately we have this half/full duples pissing match going on between the tags companies that is screwing up some data return. IF USDA adopts ISO Standards then ANNEX A must be adopted. With that being said......all Readers must read ALL Tags. We have a 10 digit system in place for the Equine World. 2 million horses are already chipped and LA has a mandatory Equine ID LAW! You chip, you tattoo, or you brand...PERIOD! I would hope USDA does not screw up and prohibit the use of the 10 digit AVID Chip that is being used in millions of horses and zillions of pets in the USA after Jan 1, 2009. One other note, the ability for Horses to transmit disease is far greater that Cattle........stop and think about it! We will have mandated ID in ALL species January1,2009. AND WE SHOULD! :wink:
The tags we use in Canada are "read only" like some computer disks.Murgen,As we can deal with any type of ID we really don't care what form it is in or how many didits long it is.It's just data.Yes the tags you use are read only with no change of the data structure.

They can not be written to, like adding birth date etc.
Thats right ,thats why databases became important as this is where it all happens.First of all ,think about how many times your animal changes hands hands with data attached from origin to the point of sale,alot in most cases unless you are vertical intergrated and sell out your front door.Their is just not enough room or data storage over a period of years in a read/write chip.I don't think you will get a megabite of data in a chip for quite some time and if you did the cost would be too expensive.Thus data bases.

So I was wondering if info. can be added, written to the RFID tags in the US.Yes their are a couple of companies that sell them ,but the data is on a resident computer.One problem is electric fences and static electrcity can change the data or delete it depending on the amount of charge and it's makeup.The Duplex tags are in most countrys as they read better.CattleCo is right about the amount of digits and that should not change for horses.Some countrys use other strings of digits and its easy to see the ISO standards work.Same with readers .We do believe that our site is the best from field to fork.www.scoringsystem.com/agri/ . and in a short time our web pages will have a new look .
STAFF and Cattleco-- I don't know where Murgen was going with the question about writing on tags-- but I do know mine....

Are any companies making RFID tags that you can take a marker and write on---So when cow number 92 has a calf you can take a marker and write the number 92 on a tag with a marker pen to put in that calf- to make it easier for mothering up later??

I heard that previously this was not possible-- that marker ink interferred with the RFID paraphernalia.... That you either had to buy them prenumbered - or if you wanted handwritten tags and RFID had to use 2 separate tags...........
Big Muddy rancher said:
Another question . you talk about using your cell phone for ID. What if you don't have cell service?

I would imagine you could use a "land line" phone, your computer, or even mail if necessary?
Yes ,you can use a pda to collect data then put in a syc to a computer and upload at another time.
About writing on a visable tag that's attached to a RFID button on the other side of the ear,Yes it is possible but the tag manufacturer's are still working on it.As for the pens that write on tags , you can buy them from a few different companys.As we say on our web site
Collection of Data
● Data can be collected by paper or computer

● An EID tag does nothing to capture or record data

● Data must be:
1. Collected
2. Entered into a database by unique ID
3. Summarized into useful information
Pictures Are a option as some groups of farmers such as AMISH shun Photo's .The system has the ability to add more data like an animal video for locomotion or just Sightings as required by goverments.A couple of small goverments require pictures of the location aand it's operator.So you won't have to take a picture of all 500 head of cows and all 500 head of calves and all 100 head of bulls unless you live in those specified countrys in Europe.
Oldtimer said:
STAFF and Cattleco-- I don't know where Murgen was going with the question about writing on tags-- but I do know mine....

Are any companies making RFID tags that you can take a marker and write on---So when cow number 92 has a calf you can take a marker and write the number 92 on a tag with a marker pen to put in that calf- to make it easier for mothering up later??

I heard that previously this was not possible-- that marker ink interferred with the RFID paraphernalia.... That you either had to buy them prenumbered - or if you wanted handwritten tags and RFID had to use 2 separate tags...........

I dont know about you OLD TIMER,but I dont plan on changing my taggin procedures.When I back ground these calves,work em thru my pens is when they will be RFID.and only the ones that are leaving the ranch are gonna get RFID,same with culls aint gonna RFID cattle to run in the pastures,IM gonna keep on branding and taggin just like I used to.And then only when its mandated will I RFID
.................good luck
Are any companies making RFID tags that you can take a marker and write on---So when cow number 92 has a calf you can take a marker and write the number 92 on a tag with a marker pen to put in that calf- to make it easier for mothering up later?? Oldtimer, I know for sure that AVID has tag writing Pens and I think Digital angel has an RFID AND Writable TAG combo.I have white writable with RFID and a Bolus in each animal from AVID- EZID tag company.I can see my cow number a then I use my Nokia 6600 cell an pull up the record even with the pedigree.That's why I like SSI.

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