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Well-known member
Feb 10, 2005
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leader minnesota
they just showed some farm ground in iowa on the cbs
evening news that bring 6500 dollars an acre, on auction, for corn ground
Talking about pricey- my son was just telling me he talked to a fellow today that sold 500 ton of his grass/alfalfa mix hay to someone hauling it to Texas...Thing is the hay is in round bales (about 1200 lbers)- and they are sending in a crew to start rebaling it into big square bales that will haul better...
Hay here is going for about $55 Ton- and this fellow is located about 70 miles south of the Canadian border, so its a far piece to Texas...Can you imagine the cost of that hay after rebaling and trucking that far ?
Canadian hay, laid into Texas is running me about $270 a ton. thanks to oil field haulers who are coming home anyway, may as well run for $1.25 a mile!!
I tell the guys what it will cost to get the hay down there, and they don't care. if I had to feed my cows hay that cost that much, I would have no problem taking them to town!!

the trick is, some of these guys are getting the hay into Kansas for 180 - 200 a ton, then selling it again for 250 - 275.....and then the Texans are paying to haul it from Kansas to texas....over $300 a ton !!!!
I believe in free market and profit, but to rape a man who NEEDS the hay is ignorant.
That $300 dollar hay will cheapen up those high-priced calves pretty quick. I don't understand hauling the feed, when the cows will move so much cheaper...
Our hay is going to New Mexico. We didn't sell it, someone else did
and I have no idea what they sold it for. They bought it from us and
it will be hauled right at 1000 miles.
At least this fella has his own trucks, but it's still gotta cost a lot
to get it that far.

I did talk to the NM purchaser tonight and asked if there was going to
be any kind of any liuvestock assistance (drought) help. He didn't know of any and said that the folks who had rangeland insurance (that's what it's called in Montana); the drought area was so big the insurance companies
are trying to reneig on the insurance.

Does that remind anyone of: "I'm from the government and I'm here to help"?

All the hay we see being hauled now that goes by here are round
bales. The big squares must have been all bought up, or nearly so.

And some remarks I have heard mention if we don't get some moisture,
all that hay might be coming back next fall. :shock:
The ranch did get over half an inch of rain last week, and it didn't run.
They are still converting it to squares.

Sad story

Tx Hill country land was like gold a few years ago, now the average for small places say a section is about 6K/acre, if it has good water/fences.
good luck

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