faster horses, your points on your father's will to live and your "Thy will be done" attitude are demonstrative of good, strong character.... in you both, IMO. Keep it up! I know the last years/illnesses of those near and dear, family or friends are so bittersweet. So many memories to cherish...and also the pain of the loss to come. My mother has been gone 21 years this month, and memories of her sneak up at odd times......most often when I see a child or animal do something humorous. Sounds as if you will have many of those moments in the future. It is a bit strange, because usually my first thought is: Oh, I've got to remember to tell mom about this, she will get such a kick out of it, then realize, well I guess she already knows it!
nr, I can really empathize with you, as well. Our family has been through a suicide of a spouse of a cousin, and others we were close to. Sometimes it just seems life is too much for some people to bear. And maybe they act too quickly. I can't believe that if they could really know and understand the pain and anguish it leaves with their family they would do it. I believe your friends are blessed to have friends like you to help them through this. It has to be especially tough for your son and other young friends, too. It seems understandable to me that family and friends are angry at the person who causes them such pain, even as they understand the pain that person experienced which caused them to do it. And round and round it goes in our minds. Anger and pain and guilt and helplessness, till we can, hopefully, finally come to forgiveness.