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  1. B

    Sold the calves.

    I bought 16 short term cows for $3200Can which is about $2200 US dollar Bought some middle age cows at $3600, some were short term but should get a few calves out of the majority Nice RWF bred hfrs at $4200
  2. B

    Multimin taking place of sack mineral

    Just about every commercial feed has added selenium and says on label not to feed with out feeds containing supplemental S
  3. B

    Hello from The Windy Ridge Ranch in Texas

    Welcome to the ranch. This place is a bit of a ghost town to what it was when it was a boom town but a few of us still haunt it.
  4. B

    How to sell cattle

    Do you have a local auction barn?
  5. B

    J.D. quick attach

    Here is what you need a Classic attach https://mdsmfg.com/adapt-a-tach/
  6. B

    J.D. quick attach

    Try contacting this place. I see every other configuration but not sure I see a Global/euro to JD https://asktractormike.com/product/tractor-loader-quick-attach-replacement-john-deere-75/
  7. B

    J.D. quick attach

    Good question. I bought a second pallet fork when O went from the JD stle to the new Global on the 6155M
  8. B

    Merry Christmas

    Well I'm not sure how our dollar and cattle market would handle the change. If our dollar recovers quickly it's going to hurt as people have a ton of money invested in calves that could lose a lot of value if our dollar starts to rise. We live close and cross the border often so probably would...
  9. B

    Merry Christmas

    Give Jack my best, tell him to do his therapy as it's the fasted way to get healed up. Hip are much easier than knees to get going on. I was referred to the specialist in January of 2019 saw him in June of 19 and waited until August of 2020 to get surgery. Socialized medical care.
  10. B

    Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas from the Circle Y Ranch Hope you have the best day ever,
  11. B

    Walk about cow

    Back in the 80's I think it was my Dad bought some cows from a friend that was retiring. Hauled them home and turned them out. One went walkabout and ended u across the border. The fellow knew it wasn't his so sent it off to Sitting Bull Auction in Williston ND. The brand inspectors tracked her...
  12. B

    ?'s Regarding making branding iron and registration of brand

    It was supposed to be a rib brand but the irons he had were a little on the big side,
  13. B

    ?'s Regarding making branding iron and registration of brand

    Our neighbours brand was COW on the left rib, Put of small calves it was on the left Shoulder, Rib and Hip
  14. B

    ?'s Regarding making branding iron and registration of brand

    My Dad had 2 registered brands the Circle Y left rib and KC. left hip I wanted to register the Circle Y on the Left hip but they wouldn't let me but I could get the KC with a bar over top on the left rib. Eventually Dad just transferred the KC left hip to me. He transferred the Circle Y to my...
  15. B

    Thank you Soapweed

    Yesterday we were branding a package of short keep cows we picked up, we knew they had some age on them as the guys were honest about how old they were. We decided to mouth them anyways just to see how bad they were, Well about half of them had full mouth of teeth and the rest just broken...
  16. B

    Hey Webfoot, What's shaking?

    Did you get some shaking where you live? Guess we didn't lose California this time.
  17. B

    Happy Thanksgiving

    At my age it's about the only one of the 7 I can enjoy.
  18. B

    Happy Thanksgiving

    Hey! I resemble that remark, it was a good meal at the sister in law's
  19. B

    It’s good to have trees

    We have quite a few trees for living in southern Saskatchewan, Most of them are in fairly deep coulees and provide great shelter for the cows. Lots of Hawthorn thickets as well that they like to get in.
  20. B

    It’s good to have trees

    People up the road bought some land with shelter belt trees and 40 foot tall pine trees around the yard All gone. They asked me if I was one of the people mad at them. I told them no it was their land but I was melancholy about the yard trees as I had many memories driving past and the one lady...