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  1. L

    Man loses 40 lbs in 90/days on McDonalds diet

    So much for the "Supersize Me" movie, I avoid eating at the place.
  2. L

    Tune for today

  3. L

    Science and Technology Quiz

    Yes, I am in the top 7%, these were easy.
  4. L


    A sprinkler with an infrared sensor. As soon as a cat crossed the sensor, it would release a three second water blast. They had these a few years back. My previous dog loved playing with it.
  5. L

    “pair of large fleshy testicles”

    With all of the problems in our nation, SC law enforcement has time to worry about oversized truck testicles, pathetic.
  6. L

    Man with a cattle tag in his ear

    Yep, two more videos. National Western Stockshow, Denver CO, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ct0Xv2jJx6o Obviously alcohol was involved. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rtOecoWRCog
  7. L

    finally found a use for the old Bush Hog wheel

    I've got some good ones, gonna have to set an account at that site.
  8. L

    Why "go green"? We came from green.

    Help save the planet, reusable shopping bags: $.99 + tax. Yeah I see the real green thing here.
  9. L

    Made in Chins or USA???

    Would you eat this?
  10. L

    hookworm in human feet, travel forum thread

    The name on it is "stromectol 3mg (ivermectin)".
  11. L

    Warning label fails

    "Not for human use, use for pets only" : warning label on a dog pooper scooper. :lol: I saw this on a website. "Caution, branding irons are hot." :shock: On an outdoor warning siren, "Hearing protection required." :roll:
  12. L

    Man with a cattle tag in his ear

    The wife story was halarious, after seeing the video, what do you find to be more of an eyesore, the tags on this guy or tounge piercings on or in people your see working tills in stores? Definitely the tounge piercings do it for me. This is what people who get tounges pierced should do after...
  13. L

    Man with a cattle tag in his ear

    How did they get tags on him in the first place? Was he passed out, roped and tied, or in the headgate?
  14. L

    Why our country is in trouble

    The are the people who legistlate DUMB laws!
  15. L

    Man with a cattle tag in his ear

    Quote: Apparently the fellow removed the tags himself. How much :drink: was involved :D You'd think that that he would have cut them off, to pull out a eartag right after being tagged and do this with both ears major ouch! :shock:
  16. L

    Man with a cattle tag in his ear

    :roll: Found this by complete accident. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-lvUX4_egLA&feature=related Not surprised either, someone had to try it. :lol:
  17. L

    Cold weather moves South

    The first picture, you dont see a timberjack very often. It's a useful tool and are difficult to find.
  18. L

    Darwin Nominees

    This one is a hoax. First off this story has been featured on a couple of these myth-busting shows. For one, Arkansas Democrat Gazette does not exist. Mythbusters (Discovery Channel) dealt with the .22 cartridge in the fuse box and determined that it would take more current then that needed...
  19. L

    what it's like to work in walmart hell

    I read that first post and I can see why this individual is not a teacher anymore. This "teacher" knows very little about economics and probally voted for that "hope and change" nonsense. Walmart or any other of these stores do not create these types of jobs, the economy does and who runs or...
  20. L

    Christmas lights

    You can get a basic computer controller for a few hundred dollars or go all out like the house linked in the first post. Two main companies manufacture this type of equipment, Light-O-Rama and D-Light. Some of the equipment is interchangeable between the two companies. It's easy but time...