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  1. DaneG

    1st Cycle

    I call it after the 3 mature cow calves.
  2. DaneG

    Heritability of phenotype.

  3. DaneG

    Beginner Interested In cattle

    A good start would be to read and understand the articles on this web site http://www.beefmagazine.com/strategic-planning-ranch by Burke Teichert there are quiet a few going back to 2012. Start with the oldest article first would be a good idea.
  4. DaneG

    U.S. Cowherd expanding

    http://www.cattlerange.com/A-CattleIndustryNews.html Here is some good reports ,market views and trends.once on the page scroll down.
  5. DaneG

    How many cows does it take

    To answer the original question poses another question, how much debt can each cow carry + buy groceries and keep the lights on ? When I started out from scratch in the mid 90,s the cardinal rule was to owe money on cows or land or machinery only 1. I broke my own rule in 02 owed on land...