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About the photo contest

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Big Muddy rancher

Well-known member
Feb 10, 2005
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Big Muddy valley
Could 10 photos be posted in one message and the next10 or so be posted on another thread. I suppose more then one could be voted for but if only one pic per poster it shouldn't make to much trouble.
Big muddy, I planned on posting 10 per thread till I got them all posted.
I also thought maybe we could run the week's contest a little longer and one person could vote once per thread...then bring those winners back for a "champion of champions" winner for that contest.

Any thoughts?Faster Horses...help!
Faster horses said:
Sounds good. That's how I'd do it. Can you get into the rules and change them? If not, I can do it. Shall we go 2 weeks for each contest or how exactly do you want it done?

This is getting interesting,suppose we have 28 entries,which takes 3 polls 2 at 10 and 1 at 8,some of us are gonna vote in all 3,makes no differnce there still will be a winner in each poll, then a run off for those winners then maybe a run off because we have a tie,matter of fact you could have a three way tie,so the contest could get lenghthy,but in the end IM betting there will be one good photo standing :D :D :D ..............good luck PS thank you Ladies for putting this on.
mn said:
I'm lost- where do I go to see the winning photo?

Good point maybe the winner should repost the photo and provide detail and answer questions ?....................good luck
mn, the winning photo is under the topic announcing the 7 entries. You'll have to look at the poll results to see which picture won. There needs to be some way to announce the winners where the photos are, perhaps. I don't know if we can do that. I'll try and see.
Faster horses said:
Yes, that worked. So the winner is announced at the beginning of the pictures. Worked this time anyway. I don't know what will happen if we have several different threads with pictures. This is sounding complicated to me...

Well hopefully,things that sound complicated Monday morning,will sound like fun Friday afternoon? :D :D ...............good luck
I'm having second thoughts about all this.

If we give longer voting time, it will get confusing as to when the entries are supposed to be in and when the next contest starts. So voting time stands. Vote from Wed. to Friday at 12 pm. (That moved voting time 5 extra hours; from 7 pm to 12 pm. That should help some.)

This is supposed to be fun, remember? I'm thinking we should limit the entries so there isn't so much work to posting them all. If we have to run more than one thread and have a vote-off, it is going to be time consuming. So, since I'm in charge, after this week we will limit entries to 10. First 10 in gets in the contest. If your picture doesn't make it, wait til that catagory comes around again and resubmit.

No one hates rules more than me, but we have to have a stopping place.
"after this week"......does that mean that this week's category
of nature can have more than the existing 10 entries???? :???:
OK Jeanne said:
"after this week"......does that mean that this week's category
of nature can have more than the existing 10 entries???? :???:

You are already on the list Jeanne!!! Good to go this week.

Faster Horses, maybe we can run more than 10 entries and just take the winner from both posts. Everyone will vote twice but it might work??? Just not have a post off.
So that would be like 2 contests, right?

I don't know if that is fair if we get 10 entries in one thread and 5 in another. Oh, what the heck. I don't care. If you don't mind posting them. But I think we should stick to the entry deadlines and voting deadlines. Okay with me if we have two contests going on at the same time within the same catagory.

Do you want to leave it like that every week? It is up to you, you have to keep track of 'em and post 'em for voting.
Faster horses said:
So that would be like 2 contests, right?

I don't know if that is fair if we get 10 entries in one thread and 5 in another.

Good point...didn't think of it that way. 10 is ok with me, then just wait till the catagory comes around next time.
If you have more than 10 photos and hafta do it in two threads, the poll still tells you how many votes each picture got. but it won't keep someone that voted in the first post from voting in the second post. I see ya'lls dilema. If it were me, n this is just my opinion, I'd go with the limit of 10 that way it's less confusing for the person in charge.
I agree heartily. However, we can't change the rules until Wednesday. So for contest #3, there will be a limit of 10 entries in that catagory.

This week there is no limit because we didn't set a limit before now.
See how it works?
Can't change the rules in the middle of the contest.
That is fair to everyone.
Faster horses said:
No one hates rules more than me, but we have to have a stopping place.

OH my oh my, Faster Horses, you sound like a border-line anarchist. Don't we all come to realize sooner or later, and as a result of our own discomfiture or pain, that some regulation is a necessity for our peace and survival!

So we develop a legal system.

Then we create a penal system to present the illusion the the legal system is working! ! !

But really, none of this has anything to do with a photo contest . . . beg your pardon.
Ten photos per thread-----10 threads....top photo in each thread in final eleventh.
Wouldn't matter if there were less than ten threads or less than ten in one.
Does that make sense?

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