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bad milk

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WOW! you really need to write a book on your life! between the hippie, the buffalo, and the mohawk, it would be a good read!!

best of luck
Will keep you in our familys prayers today and in the days ahead. 101
In our prayers here too. Maybe you can open a fitness boot camp and use that cow as an excercise motivator. Take care...
I wouldn't worry about that over achiever momma much, keep people from stealin um. She prolly new things wernt right. We had some cows that came out of california as calves, had a little beefmaster in em, one of them would kill her calf with her milk, looked just like milk, but the calf would die in a day or 2, she did that 2 yrs then she was gone
Penned them again this mornin. No problem. The old bull stays off from the rest. I think the young bull has whipped him. I found him and fed him to. Maybe I can toll him along he don't like a horse and will sure take to one if he's drove. He better mind or the dogs will drive him. The calf is still a live and a little stronger. But still scouwerin. I might rope her mama or I might just let nature take its corse. The busards need to eat. Who am I of deprivein them of some veal. There's just a lot of things I won't to do that before, I enjoyed watchin my son do and bein proud of him for bein able to do it. I won't to rope that cow my self off my filly that aint seen much ropein. And if she takes to me, I'll drag her around a tree or my son can heal her. It all sounds good but to a man that can't even open and shut a gate with out gettin winded. I know its just wishfull thinkin. Just pulled up to the hospital. See yall.
these cracker cattle that cowhunter is talking about are a very hardy type. hillsdown, what you have to understand is that most of these cows are like the ones in our marshes of south la. they only see people 4 or 5 times a year. Having cattle with bad attitudes are just part of the game down here. hell, ive had cows almost jump on the bed of trucks with me, ive had one sink a bateau with two people in it, and slam me up a pipe and break ribs. Theres nothing that we can do about it. Try working cows in 102 degree heat with 90% humidity and mosquitoes sucking the life out of you. if you would have looked at some of his past posts, you would notice that most of his cattle are in the lowland woods of florida. not the plains of SD, Nebraska, or any of those states.

Im not saying that we have it any harder down here than yall do up there, but like i said you need to understand that a cow will always have a bad temper towards people down here becasue they dont ever see a person.

Cowhunter, if yall ever need help for a weekend. Dont hesitate to ask. Im always up for a roadtrip. if me and my ropin partner go, we may even cook some good ol cajun food for youi and your family.
Living in long term ranching families all my 69 years and having the fourth and fifth generation of both families working with us now, I KNOW it is NOT wise to trust any cow!

Cows (and bull even more so!) and any other domestic animals can and do sometimes revert to their wildest ancestors for no apparent reason. It may be nice to THINK you have the gentlest cows who would never do you any harm......just don't bet your life, or even more, the life of your young child, on it!!!!

One thing I'm not short on is help. I'd love to have u and your family stay with us at our river house. We got a 2 story cypress board and batton shack on a spring run that the water clear enough to drink. We swim, boat ride, fish and injoy company all summer long. Yall just bring some mudbugs. Ours are a little small. We send for them from yalls way. And any of u cold country folks. If yall are down here at disney or visitin your kin, u know were to find me. And hillsdown. I'm not sour with u. I so ignert, hurtin and worryed, I aint even knowed y was gougein at me. Lol! All is forgivein! Yall ease up on him. He might feal like I did a few post back. I seen the cow and calf from the highway comein home from the hospital. I don't start rad till monday after noon. I got a old stock trailer. I might catch her if she's still standin and keep her in there with a heat lamp and a good hay bed. My daughter would like that. I've cough for so long, I think I pulled a musle in my right ribs. Takein a breath feals like a mule kicked me. Oxycodone better kick in soon. They put me on a steroid today. Said it might make me mean and get adutated bad so yall better watch out. I'm libble to wear this black berry out, gettin on some asses.
Cowhunter, I really enjoy your posts. Go ahead and try to wear that crackberry out . You sound like a real character and the good Lord knows we don't have enough of them. He will be watching too.
I've not felt better in a coons age. Them steroids are the ticket. I'm am a bit touchy. Told a buddy I'd like to deliver one more ass wippin but I figer I'd have it near a bench. Short round, long breaks, then arguein, then a little scuffel a little. My sick heifer is still holdin her one we tryed to catcher but she out run us. Looks like a good ropein comein up. The feller that,s got the son that's goin threw radiation. My thoughts and prayers are with u and yours. Please pm me and tell me more about your son so I can know a little more about what I'm prayin for and his first name. I start mine monday. Had a mask built yesterday as well as a little set down with them to let me loose as soon as they done. In other words don't dick around and chat when its over, let the bull out of the squeeze. Well,I think I'm goin to line up me bitein some nail heads stickin out on a cowpen for tomorrow. For now I'm fixin to bight on a steak. Later yall. From the cold country of florida.
Hope your calf heals up Cowhunter.

I will share with you a little calf scour story involving my Dad and a neighbor we had when I was a boy.....

Dad moved us up here from North Dakota 1968 and bought a little stick ranch that needed a lot of work to make it produce. In order to make ends meet he drove school bus for several years. The other bus driver and Dad became good friends through their BS sessions waiting for the kids to get out of school in the afternoons.
Through Dad's influence the neighbor convinced himself that he needed a couple of cows to look at in his little pasture. Co and Boss were soon purchased and brought home to join the family. When they calved in the spring there was great rejoicing until one of the calves got the scours.
A phone call before an afternoon bus run and Dad took a couple of boluses with him to give to the budding cowman. This being a Friday and Dad being one to leave folks alone unless called, didn't see the neighbor until Monday morning.
When asked how the doctoring went the other fella told Dad that he had chased the calf on foot until they were both exausted and never caught it. He then said he had gone back to the house and poured himself a couple of three finger drinks and went to bed, the next morning both he and the calf were fine and he returned the boluses. :D
Cowhunter, our family is thinking about ya tonight. Cancer just sucks! Seen a lot of it out this way too. I appreciate your attitude and your humor. Good luck with the cow. And God Bless ya as you start the chemo or radiation. Holler if wa can help ya anyway!

Regards from the desert,
Leanin' H Family
Here's the pair

2 days later.

3 days later
Me and my son went up there to pen the bison today. She and her mama were close. Calf was down and asleep. Trey caught her but I could not find the pepto before mama came. Mama did not try to hook nobody this time. I"ll get the pepto and give her a dose after church. Calf jumped up and wernt as scowerd today. Hope she aint dryin up. I aint got to feal her so I don't know if she was dehyodrated. She shour wonts to live. I need to step it up. Real cold tonight. Low 30's

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