Those are some mighty good sales, BRG. Red Angus are showing their true colors as being very efficient good doing cattle, and the buyers are responding with enthusiasm. Those heifer calves will go on to make some remarkable momma cows.
We lucked out and hit a "bull market" on our open heifers yesterday at Valentine Livestock. The Kosmo Kid and I sorted them into two groups Wednesday evening, and loaded them out Thursday morning. Our "show bunch" of 60 head at the sale weighed an average of 962 pounds. I thought they looked kind of pretty coming in to the ring, and evidently the buyers thought so, too. When the dust settled, they brought $143.10 per cwt, or $1377.46 per head. I tried to keep a calm poker face, but it was kind of hard.

Twenty-six head of lighter heifers weighed 844 and brought $137.50 per cwt, or $1160.54 per head. The others were odds and ends, and sold accordingly, but the 95 heifers averaged $1283 per head before expenses. Earlier I was very disappointed with having so many open heifers, but now I'm wondering if bulls should have been kept away from all of them. :? :???: Anyway, I was on Cloud 9 all the way home. :wink: